

python Programming Glossary: impact

Does creating separate functions instead of one big one slow processing time?


being said splitting functions does have a very very minor impact on performance. However I'd think of it this way it may take..

Python - how does passing values work?


times this overhead can cause a noticeable performance impact. So splitting one function into many could still have a performance.. one function into many could still have a performance impact since each additional function call will add some overhead...

Why is SQLAlchemy insert with sqlite 25 times slower than using sqlite3 directly?


at a time as well which has a significant performance impact. Runtimes observed here are SqlAlchemy ORM Total time for 100000..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


a data column is segregated from other columns which might impact efficiency somewhat if you define a lot . You also might want..

Java vs Python on Hadoop


support for Python. Is there is a significant performance impact to choosing one over the other I am early enough in the process..

Rules of thumb for when to use operator overloading in python


it in those cases where this feature will have a major impact on your code like overloading the operators for the matrix class..

Segmentation fault: 11 in OS X


Python Django Global Variables [closed]


but you made clear you believe it will have a negative impact on performance so... The new incr and decr methods are especially..

Do comments slow down an interpreted language?


floating point equality in Python and in general


need these because they do have a significant performance impact. There is no issue with moving between regular registers and..

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


UPDATE after reading some comments I wondered how much impact my screen size actually has on the print time and it does have..

How can I improve my paw detection?


data time np.asarray time # Find and label the paw impacts data_slices coded_paws find_paws data smooth_radius 4 # Sort.. data smooth_radius 4 # Sort by time of initial paw impact... This way we can determine which # paws are which relative.. data data_slices ax ax1 ax2 fig.add_subplot 2 1 2 plot_paw_impacts time data_slices ax ax2 fig.suptitle infile def plot_paw_impacts..

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()?


that I don't have. I'm particularly interested in their impact on memory usage. I'm loading some data into a database from..

How to sort my paws?


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 example from 'sel_1' which represent the impacts that were extracted. Also note that 'false' impacts such as.. the impacts that were extracted. Also note that 'false' impacts such as where the paw is partially measured in space or time.. ways. Use the temporal and spatial order of the paw impacts to determine which paw is which. Try to identify the pawprint..

Python: Pass or Sleep for long running processes?


or while True time.sleep 1 Which one will have the least impact on a system What is the preferred way to do nothing but keep..

Print the actual query MySQLdb runs?


or MySQL query logging as both of those have a performance impact and involve more code or more correlating separate log files..

Class views in Django


is the proliferation of internal method calls which may impact performance somewhat. I don't think this is much of a concern..

Is it possible to sort two lists(which reference each other) in the exact same way?


the same value if order is not maintained it may have an impact when communicating the results to users . So ideally once I..