

python Programming Glossary: img2

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


there isn't a need to call any function just do res img1 img2 . But NumPy addition is a modulo operation for uint8 arrays..

Does anyone have any examples of using OpenCV with python for descriptor extraction?


to extract descriptors import cv2 img cv2.imread im1.jpg img2 cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create.. surf 50 # max number of features fs detector.detect img2 The code I tried for extracting descriptors is import cv2 img..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


gaussian from PIL import Image img1 Image.open sys.argv 1 img2 Image.open sys.argv 2 if img1.size img2.size print Error images.. sys.argv 1 img2 Image.open sys.argv 2 if img1.size img2.size print Error images size differ raise SystemExit # Create.. _ in xrange num_metrics for band1 band2 in zip img1.split img2.split b1 numpy.asarray band1 dtype numpy.double b2 numpy.asarray..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


simplicity img1 to_grayscale imread file1 .astype float img2 to_grayscale imread file2 .astype float # compare n_m n_0 compare_images.. file2 .astype float # compare n_m n_0 compare_images img1 img2 print Manhattan norm n_m per pixel n_m img1.size print Zero.. n_0 per pixel n_0 1.0 img1.size How to compare. img1 and img2 are 2D SciPy arrays here def compare_images img1 img2 # normalize..

Image embossing in Python with PIL — adding depth, azimuth, etc


must convert back to uint8 before converting to an image img2 Image.fromarray a2.astype 'uint8' img2.save 'daisy2.png' I hope.. to an image img2 Image.fromarray a2.astype 'uint8' img2.save 'daisy2.png' I hope this helps. I can see now why you were..

Finding blank regions in image


of two images via PIL img ImageChops.difference img1 img2 And I want to find the rectangular regions that contain changes..

With the Python Imaging Library (PIL), how does one compose an image with an alpha channel over another image?


67 0 100 100 fill 255 0 0 0 img1.save ' tmp img1.png' img2 Image.new 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 0 255 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw.. 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 0 255 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw img2 draw.rectangle 0 33 100 66 fill 0 255 0 128 draw.rectangle 0.. 0 255 0 128 draw.rectangle 0 67 100 100 fill 0 255 0 0 img2.save ' tmp img2.png' alpha_composite produces img3 alpha_composite..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


if p 0 # testing.. img1 Image.open 'SnowCam_main1.jpg' img2 Image.open 'SnowCam_main2.jpg' img3 Image.open 'SnowCam_main3.jpg'.. # Small Difference img ImageChops.difference img1 img2 img.save 'test_diff2.png' print image_entropy img # 5.76452986917..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


cv2.cv.RGB 250 200 200 orig cv2.imread c.jpg img orig.copy img2 cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY detector cv2.FeatureDetector_create.. cv2.FeatureDetector_create 'MSER' fs detector.detect img2 fs.sort key lambda x x.size def supress x for f in fs distx..