

python Programming Glossary: imho

SciPy instead of GNU Octave


to learn yet another language argument is a strong one IMHO and is one of the reasons why I tend to use Python for this..

Pytest: how to skip the rest of tests in the class if one has failed?


and it makes most sense in functional testing scenarios IMHO. Here is a an implementation that doesn't depend on internal..

Why does subprocess.Popen() with shell=True work differently on Linux vs Windows?


items will be treated as additional shell arguments. IMHO the Windows way is better because it allows you to treat Popen..

how to access dictionary element in django template?


choice.choice choice.votes br endfor The template tag is IMHO a bit overkill for this solution but it's not a terrible solution..

Is it feasible to compile Python to machine code?


there is Psyco Python JIT if only speedup is needed. But IMHO this is not worth the effort. For speed critical parts of code..

Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


and readable it's very consistent . Code readability is IMHO strongly tied to maintainability as well. So that's a big plus...

Pyserial problem with Arduino - works with the Python shell but not in a program


dev ttyACM0 was sufficient to trigger the reset. This is IMHO a confusing and undocumented wrinkle in the serial support...

How to implement an efficient infinite generator of prime numbers in Python?


How to implement Comet server side with Python?


async expert at all I just investigated the topic once. IMHO if you're using XAMPP then you're loosing the posibility of..

Private Variables and Methods in Python [duplicate]


chain. For other uses single underscore would be better IMHO. EDIT regarding confusion on __ PEP 8 is quite clear on that..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


to competing with Bash Zsh fish and friends. Actually IMHO the best current shell is Microsoft PowerShell which is very..

setuptools: package data folder location


also cumbersome to work with so many nested subdirectories IMHO. Or is there any good reason that would justify this restriction..

Uses for Dynamic Languages


in static languages without type inference or templates IMHO templates are to a large extent compile time duck typing I'm..

Adding extra fields to django-registration form


Elegant ways to return multiple values from a function


parameter to pass. The class struct solution is also IMHO pretty awkward because you then end up with a million little..

Python or Ruby for a .NET developer?


orientation is a little inconsistent and feels to me IMHO like something that was bolted on to the language. You can alter..

Django or Ruby on Rails [closed]


app for Medical Equipment Servicing and I loved it. It is IMHO a much better and more intuitive way to write web apps compared..

memory-efficient built-in SqlAlchemy iterator/generator?


support window functions you need PG Oracle or SQL Server. IMHO using at least Postgresql is definitely worth it if you're using..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


name codecs.lookup 'utf 8' if name 'cp65001' else None IMHO don't pay any attention to the silliness about cp65001 not being..