

python Programming Glossary: img1

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


images there isn't a need to call any function just do res img1 img2 . But NumPy addition is a modulo operation for uint8 arrays..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


from scipy.signal import gaussian from PIL import Image img1 Image.open sys.argv 1 img2 Image.open sys.argv 2 if img1.size.. img1 Image.open sys.argv 1 img2 Image.open sys.argv 2 if img1.size img2.size print Error images size differ raise SystemExit.. 2 for _ in xrange num_metrics for band1 band2 in zip img1.split img2.split b1 numpy.asarray band1 dtype numpy.double b2..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


images as 2D arrays convert to grayscale for simplicity img1 to_grayscale imread file1 .astype float img2 to_grayscale imread.. file2 .astype float # compare n_m n_0 compare_images img1 img2 print Manhattan norm n_m per pixel n_m img1.size print.. img1 img2 print Manhattan norm n_m per pixel n_m img1.size print Zero norm n_0 per pixel n_0 1.0 img1.size How to..

Finding blank regions in image


difference of two images via PIL img ImageChops.difference img1 img2 And I want to find the rectangular regions that contain..

With the Python Imaging Library (PIL), how does one compose an image with an alpha channel over another image?


out 'RGBA' return out For example given these two images img1 Image.new 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 255 0 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw.. 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 255 0 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw img1 draw.rectangle 33 0 66 100 fill 255 0 0 128 draw.rectangle 67.. 255 0 0 128 draw.rectangle 67 0 100 100 fill 255 0 0 0 img1.save ' tmp img1.png' img2 Image.new 'RGBA' size 100 100 color..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


p 2 for p in samples_probability if p 0 # testing.. img1 Image.open 'SnowCam_main1.jpg' img2 Image.open 'SnowCam_main2.jpg'.. # No Difference img ImageChops.difference img1 img1 img.save 'test_diff1.png' print image_entropy img # 1.58496250072.. # No Difference img ImageChops.difference img1 img1 img.save 'test_diff1.png' print image_entropy img # 1.58496250072..