

python Programming Glossary: imagine

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine


Python list doesn't reflect variable change


referenced by polly not the variable itself. You should imagine values as balloons with variables being threads tied to those..

Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python


argument Guido van Rossum gave for the decision but I can imagine a few arguments Simpler parsing. Technically parsing count is..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


in some sort of database. For all intents and purposes imagine that format string always being a variable not a string literal...

Speeding Up Python


ways to greatly improve performance For the first question imagine you are handed a decently written project and you need to improve..

Generating sublists using multiplication ( * ) unexpected behavior [duplicate]


That's why the other two items don't change. Further imagine that the owner of the house with address that is still on the..

sparse assignment list in python


None 22 ''' import doctest doctest.testmod verbose 1 I imagine you'll want more to support negative indices slicing and whatever..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


the same I don't want to store the latest snapshot. I imagine there's some way of quantifying the difference and I would have..

Django - Working with multiple forms


problems with the idea I have in mind. Just to help you to imagine what my problem is I'm going to use the django example models.. max_length 200 votes models.IntegerField default 0 Now imagine I've already made the form clases from django import forms from..

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?


000. flags False False True limit 2 MemoryError As you can imagine allocating 1 billion boolean values 1 byte 4 or 8 bytes see..

What are good uses for Python3's “Function Annotations”


call them that you should read their documentation E.g. imagine you have a method that must not be invoked with a negative value..

Test if executable exists in Python?


Popen al and see if it fails that's what I'm doing now but imagine it's launchmissiles EDIT The answer is ' No ' from the different..

Natural/Relative days in Python


solution already. Since this is a common enough task I imagine there must be something. python datetime datetime parsing ..

Using global variables in a function other than the one that created them


of globvar set_globvar_to_one print_globvar # Prints 1 I imagine the reason for it is that since global variables are so dangerous..

Standard way to embed version into python package?


do the following import foo print foo.version I would imagine there's some way to retrieve that data without any extra hardcoding..

Python regular expressions - how to capture multiple groups from a wildcard expression?


a quantifier behind a group does not increase group count imagine all other group indexes increment because an eralier group matched..

Try/catch or validation for speed?


checking out of the class and into the actual code but I'd imagine that it's even faster than the if...else method. Late update..

Rolling or sliding window iterator in Python


Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?


it possible to integrate Python and JavaScript For example imagine you wanted to be able to define classes in JavaScript and use..

What is a metaclass in Python?


you want to create classes matching the current context. Imagine a stupid example where you decide that all classes in your module..

Why use sys.path.append(path) instead of sys.path.insert(1, path)?


of dependencies and versions and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo but another..

Restricting Python's syntax to execute user code safely. Is this a safe approach?


you need to be aware of is Denial of Service attacks. Imagine someone whips up an Ackermann function and a script to submit..

Benefits of panda's multiindex?


a 2 dimensional tabular structure DataFrame for example. Imagine constructing a dataframe using MultiIndex like this import pandas..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


from image url please excuse me for my ugly english Imagine this very simple model class Photo models.Model image models.ImageField..

Python model inheritance and order of model declaration


declaration order. WARNING This is extremely daft. Concept Imagine a namespace where anything can exist. Literally anything that..

How to safely write to a file?


to safely write to a file Imagine you have a library for working with some sort of XML file or..

What is the best project structure for a Python application?


is the best project structure for a Python application Imagine that you want to develop a non trivial end user desktop not..

Converting list of tuples in python to dictionary


list of tuples in python to dictionary Imagine a social network website which allows people to specify which..

Map two lists into a dictionary in Python


two lists into a dictionary in Python Imagine that you have keys 'name' 'age' 'food' values 'Monty' 42 'spam'..

Python: DISTINCT on GQuery result set (GQL, GAE)


DISTINCT on GQuery result set GQL GAE Imagine you got an entity in the Google App Engine datastore storing..

Implementing a “rules engine” in Python


log reading problem without creating another problem. Imagine this scenario. Your program breaks. It's now either the rule..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


in CPython and start execution at an arbitrary code point Imagine the following scenario You have a workflow engine where workflows..

Why does Python's itertools.permutations contain duplicates? (When the original list has duplicates)


provides permutations of any kind of object. Imagine how annoying this would be list itertools.permutations 1 2j..

How to do relative imports in Python?


to do relative imports in Python Imagine this directory structure app __init__.py sub1 __init__.py mod1.py..

Python: What is the Formal Difference Between Print and Return?


improve this question Dramatically different things. Imagine if I have this python program # usr bin env python def printAndReturnNothing..

Rendering JSON objects using a Django template after an Ajax call


improved version of the original one. Here's how it works Imagine you have a template e.g. 'subtemplate.html' of whatever size..

Django forms, inheritance and order of form fields


inheritance but I'd like to know if this is possible. Why Imagine you've got 100 fields in edit_form and have to add 10 fields..

How to save a Python interactive session?


of a gtk gnome desktop app that renders graphs inline. Imagine a hybrid shell graphing calculator mini eclipse. Source distribution..