

python Programming Glossary: implemented

Why (0-6) is -6 = False? [duplicate]


CPython and you shouldn't rely on this. For instance PyPy implemented the id of integer to return itself so 0 6 is 6 is always true..

About python's built in sort() method


of timsort in and for Java Joshua's also the guy who implemented in 1997 the modified mergesort that's still used in Java and..

When is “i += x” different from “i = i + x” in Python?


line before. 1 In the expression x y if x.__add__ isn't implemented or if x.__add__ y returns NotImplemented and x and y have different..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


a generalization of it was accepted and has been implemented starting with Python 2.6 and 3.0. The PEP makes it clear that.. is generally no big pressure to do that see here . ABCs as implemented in recent Python versions do however offer extra goodies isinstance..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


gives some info on optical flow methods. All methods are implemented in OpenCV library. If you use Python I suggest to use OpenCV.. optical flow you may use Lucas Kanade method it is also implemented in OpenCV . Obviously if there is a lot of flow high average..

How is the 'is' keyword implemented in Python?


is the 'is' keyword implemented in Python ... the is keyword that can be used for equality..

Dynamic module import in Python


runtime and execute the appropriate one. Currently this is implemented something like command sys.argv 1 try command_module __import__..

Python thread pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?


via from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool It is implemented using a dummy Process class wrapping a python thread. This thread..

Python “is” operator behaves unexpectedly with integers


on the above I can hypothesise that Python is internally implemented such that small integers are stored in a different way than..

How are Python's Built In Dictionaries Implemented


anyone know how the built in dictionary type for python is implemented My understanding is that it is some sort of hash table but I.. but the answer is comprehensive . Python dictionaries are implemented as hash tables . Hash tables must allow for hash collisions.. table actually a combination of the three values . This is implemented as a C struct see dictobject.h 51 56 The figure below is a logical..

Why is python ordering my dictionary like so?


should be œwhy not an unordered dictionary is most probably implemented as a hash table in fact the Python documentation states this..

Old style and new style classes in Python


all old style instances independently of their class are implemented with a single built in type called instance. New style classes.. methods are invoked. Others are fixes that could not be implemented before for compatibility concerns like the method resolution..

Creating a singleton in python


any religious wars but to discuss how this pattern is best implemented in python in such a way that is most pythonic. In this instance..

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework? [closed]


' ' if __name__ __main__ app.run The service's logic is implemented only once and the correct representation selection Accept header..

How do I access the child classes of an object in django without knowing the name of the child class?


pk self.pk class Meta abstract True This is implemented as an abstract base class to make it reusable you could also..

Python Comet Server


scale users of comet on Python. Has anyone successfully implemented comet on Python in a production system How did you go about..