

python Programming Glossary: img.size

python arrange images on canvas in a circle


of the widest tallest image. diameter min imgWidth max img.size 0 for img in imagesToArrange imgHeight max img.size 1 for img.. max img.size 0 for img in imagesToArrange imgHeight max img.size 1 for img in imagesToArrange radius diameter 2 circleCenterX..

Python Google App Engine Image object


This img images.Image blob_key image logging.info img.size self.response.headers 'Content Type' 'image jpeg' self.response.out.write..

How does perspective transformation work in PIL?


PIL import Image img Image.open sys.argv 1 width height img.size m 0.5 xshift abs m width new_width width int round xshift img..

PySide: Separating a spritesheet / Separating an image into contiguous regions of color


import Image def sprite_mask img bg_point 0 0 width height img.size im img.load bg im bg_point mask_img Image.new 'L' img.size mask.. img.size im img.load bg im bg_point mask_img Image.new 'L' img.size mask mask_img.load for x in xrange width for y in xrange height..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


cv Mat img cv imread argv 1 std cout Original image size img.size std endl Convert RGB Mat to GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img..

Resize image in Python without losing EXIF data


is this img Image.open 'foo.jpg' width height 800 600 if img.size 0 img.size 1 width height height width resized_img img.resize.. Image.open 'foo.jpg' width height 800 600 if img.size 0 img.size 1 width height height width resized_img img.resize width height..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


6 Apr 2012 import numpy as np def image_entropy img w h img.size a np.array img.convert 'RGB' .reshape w h 3 h e np.histogramdd..

Displayin an Image in a QGraphicsScene


0.5 def display_image self img self.scene.clear w h img.size self.imgQ ImageQt.ImageQt img # we need to hold reference to..