

python Programming Glossary: immutability

The immutable object in python


copy of 10 why id a id b id 10 python variable assignment immutability mutable share improve this question While that article may..

Under which circumstances do equal strings share the same reference?


of new style python classes. python string reference immutability share improve this question The details of when strings..

how to Implement __iadd__() for immutable type?


class or subclass that does this and if so how python immutability augmented assignment share improve this question The return..

Why are python strings and tuples are made immutable?


and disadvantage of making them immutable python string immutability tuples share improve this question One is performance knowing..

Using a Python Dictionary as a Key (Non-nested)


of list because the results rely on the ordering an immutability of the elements. tuple sorted a.items A frozen set. It is a..

Why do we need tuples in Python (or any immutable data type)?


when it was originally allocated This whole business of immutability in Python seems to be over emphasized. In C C if I allocate..

Hashable, immutable


objects that are not hashable python data structures hash immutability share improve this question Hashing is the process of converting..

what would be a frozen dict?


have keys values get ... and support in for ... python immutability dictionary share improve this question Python doesn't have..

Python references


0 4 print x # 4 2 3 print y # 4 2 3 x is y # True python immutability share improve this question Because integers are immutable..

Types for which “is” keyword may be equivalent to equality operator in Python


raises several questions Is the is equivalence related to immutability Are the behaviors above specified or an implementation detail.. of issues python reference identity variable assignment immutability share improve this question The is operator tests if two..

F# vs IronPython: When is one preferred to the other?


through OO inheritance in favor of function composition immutability as a default instead of as an after thought and so on. If you..

Efficiently carry out multiple string replacements in Python


strings if len s 2 'a' 'lst' 'of' 'strngs' python string immutability share improve this question The specific example you give..

Remove specific characters from a string in python


in line if char in . line.replace char '' python string immutability share improve this question Strings in python are immutable..

Check for mutability in Python?


I check if a type is mutable in Python python python 3.x immutability python 2.x hashable share improve this question 1 Keys must..

How to make an immutable object in Python?


a bounty for that because I'm lazy. python python 3.x immutability share improve this question Yet another solution I just..

Immutable numpy array?


minimum set of methods that one has to override to achieve immutability python arrays numpy immutability readonly share improve this.. to override to achieve immutability python arrays numpy immutability readonly share improve this question You can make a numpy..

Immutable vs mutable types - Python


with my understanding of immutable types vs non. python immutability mutable share improve this question What Floats are immutable..

Multiply operator applied to list(data structure)


integer 15 . That always works because of int objects immutability. That's why outerList innerList 5 Will create a list object..