

python Programming Glossary: imp.load_module

Setting up scikit-learn - numpy errors on import


sparsetools csr.py line 22 in swig_import_helper _mod imp.load_module '_csr' fp pathname description ImportError numpy.core.multiarray..

how to reference python package when filename contains a period


imp with open 'models.admin.py' 'rb' as fp models_admin imp.load_module 'models_admin' fp 'models.admin.py' '.py' 'rb' imp.PY_SOURCE..

Access django models inside of Scrapy


f filename desc imp.find_module 'settings' path project imp.load_module 'settings' f filename desc setup_environ project setup_django_env..

Compiling a SWIG Python wrapper for a static library?


File foo.py line 21 in swig_import_helper _mod imp.load_module '_foo' fp pathname description ImportError . _foo.so undefined..

Load module from string in python


TypeError load_source argument 3 must be file not instance imp.load_module 'my_module' StringIO 'print hello world ' '' '' '' 0 Traceback..

Unable to install Python and GDAL (DLL load failed)


osgeo __init__.py line 17 in swig_import_helper _mod imp.load_module '_gdal' fp pathname description ImportError DLL load failed..

python: importing from builtin library when module with same name exists


f pathname desc imp.find_module name sys.path 1 module imp.load_module custom_name f pathname desc f.close return module # Import non..

Saving Django model from Scrapy project


f filename desc imp.find_module 'settings' path project imp.load_module 'settings' f filename desc setup_environ project setup_django_env..

Building a minimal plugin architecture in Python


called plugins which the main app can poll and then use imp.load_module to pick up files look for a well known entry point possibly..

PEP 302 Example: New Import Hooks


http www.google.com codesearch hl en lr q imp.find_module imp.load_module sbtn Search Edit as the questioner clarified he's looking for..