

python Programming Glossary: imp.load_source

Import python module NOT on path


path import util The closest I could get was import imp imp.load_source 'foo.util' 'C ... dir dir2 foo' Which gave me Permission denied.. may be loaded inadvertently. Therefore you may want to use imp.load_source instead. It needs the filename not a directory to a file which.. which the current user is allowed to read import imp util imp.load_source 'util' 'C full path foo util.py' share improve this answer..

Import a python module without the .py extension


import share improve this question You can use the imp.load_source path function from the imp module to load a module dynamically..

Load module from string in python


I try using imp and a StringIO object to do this I get imp.load_source 'my_module' '' StringIO 'print hello world ' Traceback most..

Hot-swapping of Python running program


#runner.py import time import imp def main while True mod imp.load_source runtime . runtime.py mod.function time.sleep 1 if __name__ __main__.. time and create a fingerprint # for the file self.mod imp.load_source source self.source with open self.source rb as fp self.fingerprint.. format fingerprint self.fingerprint fingerprint self.mod imp.load_source source self.source def __getattr__ self attr return getattr..

How to import a module given the full path?


share improve this question import imp foo imp.load_source 'module.name' ' path to file.py' foo.MyClass There are equivalent..