

python Programming Glossary: immediately

Java Python Integration


this question Why not use Jython The only downside I can immediately think of is if your library uses CPython native extensions...

What does python sys.intern do, and when should it be used?


b 'why do pangolins dream of quiche' Even though it is not immediately visible because the string 'why do pangolins dream of quiche'..

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


This is reached All three code examples print 'hello' immediately as soon as the first EOL is seen . share improve this answer..

Request UAC elevation from within a Python script?


it runs itself using the ShellExecute trick and exits immediately if it does it performs the task at hand. As you describe your..

Get last n lines of a file with Python, similar to tail


make the block size 2048 and you'll tail 20 lines almost immediately. Also I don't burn a lot of brain calories trying to finesse..

Keyboard Interrupts with python's multiprocessing Pool


is specified cond.wait 1 will receive the interrupt immediately. So a workaround is to specify a timeout. To do that replace..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


tell you about an unused local variable nmae and you will immediately fix it. But if you have in your code a blah.format locals or.. hampering lint worries applies any more bliss You make it immediately clear to everybody concerned lint included exactly what local..

What is the difference between Python's re.search and re.match?


only at the start of the string or in MULTILINE mode also immediately following a newline. The code match operation succeeds only..

Why program functionally in Python?


x x 1 by assigning the lambda to a name this approach immediately throws away the above mentioned advantage and doesn't lose any..

What's the difference between eval, exec, and compile in Python?


at least in Python 2.x maybe not in 3.x . It compiles and immediately evaluates a statement or set of statement contained in a string...

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python


question The problem is that thread_obj.start returns immediately. The child thread that you spawned executes in its own context..

How do I compile a Visual Studio project from the command-line?


project.sln build Flags... The vcexpress option returns immediately and does not print any output. I suppose that might be what..

Why is python ordering my dictionary like so?


where the order of elements is well defined but not immediately obvious. Your observations match the rules of a hash table perfectly..

How do I check if a file exists using Python?


An attacker can create a symlink to an arbitrary file immediately after the program checks no file exists. This way arbitrary..

Python multiprocessing.Pool: when to use apply, apply_async or map?


like Python's built in apply except that the call returns immediately instead of waiting for the result. An ApplyResult object is..

What is the reason for performing a double fork when creating a daemon?


the justification is # Fork a second child and exit immediately to prevent zombies. This # causes the second child process to..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


it is called len files times though each of the instances immediately closes and only one model run is allowed to finish at which.. however the behavior continues where they are spawn and immediately die except one def main # populate files ws r'D Data Users jbellino.. SEAWAT is saving some of the output. When SEAWAT is run it immediately creates files pertaining to the model run. One of these files..