

python Programming Glossary: imp.find_module

How to check if a python module exists without importing it


if import can find something using imp import imp try imp.find_module 'eggs' found True except ImportError found False share improve..

how to reference python package when filename contains a period


'.py' 'rb' imp.PY_SOURCE But read the docs on imp.find_module and imp.load_module before you start using it. share improve..

Access django models inside of Scrapy


import setup_environ f filename desc imp.find_module 'settings' path project imp.load_module 'settings' f filename..

Find path of module without importing in Python


python2.6 sqlalchemy orm' Using imp module import imp imp.find_module 'sqlalchemy' None ' usr lib pymodules python2.6 sqlalchemy'.. None ' usr lib pymodules python2.6 sqlalchemy' '' '' 5 imp.find_module 'pip' None ' usr local lib python2.6 dist packages pip 0.7.1.. python2.6 dist packages pip 0.7.1 py2.6.egg pip' '' '' 5 imp.find_module 'threading' open file ' usr lib python2.6 threading.py' mode..

Is there a standard way to list names of Python modules in a package?


package_contents package_name file pathname description imp.find_module package_name if file raise ImportError 'Not a package r' package_name..

python: importing from builtin library when module with same name exists


imp sys custom_name custom_name or name f pathname desc imp.find_module name sys.path 1 module imp.load_module custom_name f pathname..

Python: How to load a module twice?


import imp def my_import name file pathname description imp.find_module name code compile file.read pathname exec dont_inherit True..

Saving Django model from Scrapy project


import setup_environ f filename desc imp.find_module 'settings' path project imp.load_module 'settings' f filename..

PEP 302 Example: New Import Hooks


so here it is... http www.google.com codesearch hl en lr q imp.find_module imp.load_module sbtn Search Edit as the questioner clarified..