

php Programming Glossary: mime

Sending mass email using PHP


SwiftMailer which has HTML support support for different mime types and SMTP authentication which is less likely to mark your..

How to get the content-type of a file in PHP?


file finfo_close finfo else require_once 'upgradephp ext mime.php' type mime_content_type file if type in_array type array.. finfo else require_once 'upgradephp ext mime.php' type mime_content_type file if type in_array type array 'application octet.. octet stream' 'text plain' secondOpinion exec 'file b mime type ' . escapeshellarg file foo returnCode if returnCode 0..

How do I find the mime-type of a file with php?


do I find the mime type of a file with php Ok so I have an index.php file which.. PHP function which attempts to return the image mime type. If you don't mind external dependencies you can also check.. out the excellent getID3 library which can determine the mime type of many different file types. Lastly you can check out..

PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again


filepath '.' 1 use this unless you want to find the mime type based on extension mime array 'application octet stream'.. unless you want to find the mime type based on extension mime array 'application octet stream' header 'Content Type '. mime.. array 'application octet stream' header 'Content Type '. mime header 'Content Disposition attachment filename '. filename.'..

Output an Image in PHP


in PHP I have an image file eg. .. image.jpg which has a mime type type How can I output it to the browser php image share..

PHP how can i check if a file is mp3 or image file?


image file other than check each possible extension php mime types share improve this question You can identify image..

php: recreate and display an image from binary data


the Wikipedia page on data URIs php function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents file base64 base64_encode contents.. file base64 base64_encode contents return 'data ' . mime . ' base64 ' . base64 img src php echo data_uri 'elephant.png'..

Sending HTML email from PHP


r nReply To webmaster@example.com add boundary string and mime type specification headers . r nContent Type multipart alternative..

How to check file types of uploaded files in PHP?


of reasons. Because of this I have often used some strict mime type checking. Of course this is very flawed because often mime.. type checking. Of course this is very flawed because often mime types are wrong and users can't upload their file. It is also.. extension which of course is even easier to change than mime type. If you only want images using something like getimagesize..

Return a PHP page as an image


3 I have a feeling I need to return the output back with a mime type but this is where I get lost Once I figure this out I will.. please reply. php image processing http headers mime types share improve this question The PHP Manual has this..

Bounce Email handling with PHP?


product once we detect the kind of bounce we use PEAR MAIL MIME to search for custom headers that we added previously to the..

Security threats with uploads


the user with a file upload the file data a file name a MIME type These are the three main components of the file upload.. file upload and none of it is trustable. Do not trust the MIME type in _FILES 'file' 'type' . It's an entirely arbitrary user.. don't know what file type you're dealing with detect the MIME type of the file yourself and or try to let a specific process..

How to send email with attachment using PHP?


mime_boundary Multipart_Boundary_x semi_rand x headers . nMIME Version 1.0 n . Content Type multipart mixed n . boundary mime_boundary.. email_message . This is a multi part message in MIME format. n n . mime_boundary n . Content Type text html charset..

php: recreate and display an image from binary data


a data URI in the image src attribute. The format is data MIME type charset encoding base64 data This example is straight from..

Correct content type HTTP header for JSON [duplicate]


this question AFIK IANA has officially registered a MIME type for JSON as application json in RFC4627 also is listed..

UTF-8 all the way through


php.ini option or manually issue the Content Type MIME header yourself which is just more work but has the same effect...

Sending HTML email from PHP


Turn on output buffering PHP alt php echo random_hash MIME Version 1.0 Content Type text plain charset iso 8859 1 Content.. is simple text email message. PHP alt php echo random_hash MIME Version 1.0 Content Type text html charset iso 8859 1 Content..

How to Automatically Start a Download in PHP?


@grom Interesting about the 'application octet stream' MIME type. I wasn't aware of that have always just used 'application..

PHP email header subject encoding problem


. X Priority 3 n 1 UrgentMessage 3 Normal headers . MIME Version 1.0 n headers . X MSMail Priority High n headers . Importance..

php send email with attachment


from to prevent email injection header From . from. r n . MIME Version 1.0 r n . Content Type multipart mixed boundary . uid... boundary . uid. r n r n . This is a multi part message in MIME format. r n . . uid. r n . Content type text plain charset iso..

Php mail: how to send html?


this question use this header for the mail header MIME Version 1.0 r n header . Content type text html charset utf8..

PHP code is not being executed (i can see it on source code of page)


front of it. Make sure that the http.conf file has the PHP MIME type in it. This should be something like AddType application..

PHP mail() attachment problems


pdfdoc main header headers From . from. eol headers . MIME Version 1.0 . eol headers . Content Type multipart mixed boundary.. . Content Transfer Encoding 7bit . eol headers . This is a MIME encoded message. . eol. eol message headers . . separator. eol.. pdfdoc main header headers From . from. eol headers . MIME Version 1.0 . eol headers . Content Type multipart mixed boundary..

Multiple Inheritance in PHP


'text html' this sendAsHTML m else throw new Exception MIME type m type not supported To sum it up responsibility is split..

is the mime type detection the best way to detect a kind of file?


en features.file upload.post method.php Webmaster Toolkit Mime Types http www.webmaster toolkit.com mime types.shtml FILExt..

Mime-type of downloading file


type of downloading file i'm trying to create downloadable..

PHP get_headers() reports different headers than CURL


Array 0 HTTP 1.0 403 Forbidden 1 Server AkamaiGHost 2 Mime Version 1.0 3 Content Type text html 4 Content Length 283 5..

how to send html mails using PEAR mail


'Return Path' sender 'Subject' subject Creating the Mime message mime new Mail_mime crlf Setting the body of the email..

How to Use Zend Library without installation of Zend Framework


installation I am trying to use zend library Mail and Mime without zend framework installation its not returning any error.. error messages... but for my project i'm using Mail and Mime library only How to use Zend Library without installing zend.. include ' path to folder containing Zend lib Zend Mime.php' mailer new Zend_Mail Or better and more conventient setup..

Add, update and edit an XML file with PHP


XSLTProcessor TRANSFORM echo proc transformToXML xml SET Mime Type mime application xhtml xml charset iso 8859 1 header Content..

How to send html table in email body in php?


report' Basically I think you header should start by Mime Version . Check this code http us.php.net manual en function.mail.php#example..

How to use special characters in recipients name when using PHP's mail function


. email For better compatibility you should set the header Mime Version 1.0 so all mail clients understand you're using MIME.. UTF 8 Q E3 81 93 E3 82 93 E3 81 AB E3 81 A1 E3 81 AF Mime Version 1.0 Renders as To 山本 yamamoto@example.com Subject “ã..