

php Programming Glossary: method_exists

cakephp datasource Call to undefined method


params Model you may customize this to your needs. if method_exists this method return call_user_func_array array this method params..

PHP __call vs method_exists


__call vs method_exists The Project I'm working on contains something like a wrapper.. does some checks before execution. One of those checks is method_exists In Case the supplied first argument is an instance of a class.. variables better certain array elements . The Problem method_exists will return false if the function is not defined. Do I have..

How to set a (UTF8) modifier for RegEx of a RegEx Route in Zend Framework 2?


public function match Request request pathOffset null if method_exists request 'getUri' return null uri request getUri path decoded..

Nested or Inner Class in PHP


not we throw an exception similar to the default error if method_exists this method The method exists so now we want to know if the..

Logging all Soap request and responses in PHP


public function __call method args you could also add method_exists check here return call_user_func_array array this soapClient..

PHP - Implement logging mechanism to file in several classes


logger logger public function __call method arguments if method_exists this target method false sometime you will want to log call..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


isset this url 1 L TEZIK A MET DUS ENGED LYEZVE VAN if method_exists this controller this url 1 in_array this url 1 route this url..

How to integrate Wordpress into Kohana 3


'action' if class_exists controller return false if method_exists controller 'action_' . action method_exists controller '__call'.. false if method_exists controller 'action_' . action method_exists controller '__call' return false return true return false..

ACL implementation


this acl acl public function __call method arguments if method_exists this target method this acl isAllowed get_class this target..

Serializing PHP object to JSON


array function property key if is_object property method_exists property 'toArray' property property toArray return array.. interfaces for an instanceof check seems much cleaner than method_exists however method_exists does cross cut inheritance implementation.. check seems much cleaner than method_exists however method_exists does cross cut inheritance implementation . Using unset seemed..

Is this a good way to match URI to class/method in PHP for MVC


getIDNumber this getPageNumber method this _method if method_exists this _controller this _method return controller method else..

Pretty URLs in PHP frameworks


not found in action class send a 405 e.g. Home POST if method_exists route _SERVER REQUEST_METHOD header 'HTTP 1.1 405 Method not..