

php Programming Glossary: mimetypes

Files sometimes download as .PHP instead of .PDF?


if it would happen for other types as well. Here's my code mimeTypes array images 'png' 'image png' 'jpeg' 'image jpeg' 'jpg' 'image.. Description File Transfer' header 'Content Type ' . mimeTypes row 'ext' header 'Content Disposition attachment filename '...

HTTP Headers for File Downloads


function outputFile filePath fileName mimeType '' Setup mimeTypes array 'pdf' 'application pdf' 'txt' 'text plain' 'html' 'text.. substr strrchr filePath '.' 1 if array_key_exists fileExt mimeTypes mimeType mimeTypes fileExt else mimeType 'application force.. '.' 1 if array_key_exists fileExt mimeTypes mimeType mimeTypes fileExt else mimeType 'application force download' Disable..

PHP to protect PDF's and DOC's


support file types for download script and there mimetype mimeTypes array 'doc' 'application msword' 'pdf' 'application pdf' set.. headers to browser fp fopen file r header Content Type . mimeTypes ext header 'Content Disposition attachment filename '. fileName.'..