

php Programming Glossary: microsoft

Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available?


runs. Normally PHP runs in Apache Nginx via FastCGI or on Microsoft ISS via Fast CGI . With Apache and IIS this may be a problem..

How to replace Microsoft-encoded quotes in PHP


to replace Microsoft encoded quotes in PHP I need to replace Microsoft Word version.. replace Microsoft encoded quotes in PHP I need to replace Microsoft Word version of single and double quotations marks code with..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


were banned back in the early days of Unicode but it took Microsoft a very long time to get their shit together IE would interpret..

dynamic drop down box?


Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP


think this is no real feasible solution. You could use the Microsoft Office XML formats for reading and writing Word files this is..

sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder


address Outlook headers not in PEAR mail headers X Mailer Microsoft Office Outlook 11 Thread Index Ack6CWSQlgV8s6 6SWyifka2NNpB7g.. Index Ack6CWSQlgV8s6 6SWyifka2NNpB7g X MimeOLE Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3350 the only other differences that i can..

Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do?


HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Tue 25 Nov 2008 01 08 34 GMT Server Microsoft IIS 6.0 X Powered By ASP.NET Content Length 0 Content Type text..

PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input


to clean up pasted Microsoft input I have a site where users can post stuff as in forums..

MySQL or PHP is appending a  whenever the £ is used


it WAS outputting UTF 8 the problem existed with Ye Olde Microsoft Excel which wasn't picking up the encoding the way I would have..

How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?


services. I found this URL that gets the stock data for Microsoft. What are all the possible parameters that Google allows for..

Reading DOC file in php


How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3?


SQLSRV an alternative driver for MS SQL is available from Microsoft » http msdn.microsoft.com en us sqlserver ff657782.aspx . Once.. that follow the instructions at this page Loading the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server In a nutshell Put the driver.. server. See Also copied from that page System Requirements Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server Getting Started Programming Guide..

How to identify web-crawler?


want some bots to crawl your website such as Google Microsoft or other bots for site indexing . Allowing your website to be.. website to be politely crawled by the bots from Google Microsoft Lycos etc. will ensure that your site gets indexed and it shows..

CodeIgniter MSSQL connection


IIS 7.5 and PHP 5.3.8. The database on the system is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. I'm developing the application on the CodeIgniter..

Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable


at Charles University in Prague and was supported by Microsoft. It compiles source code written in the PHP scripting language..

Bing search API and Azure


up part in PHP please Thanks alot in advance. php search microsoft bing share improve this question Documentation for new services..

PHP: How to process SOAP response to get a tag value?


schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns clr http schemas.microsoft.com soap encoding clr 1.0 SOAP ENV Header h3 __MethodSignature.. ENC methodSignature SOAP ENC root 1 xmlns h3 http schemas.microsoft.com clr soap messageProperties xmlns a2 http schemas.microsoft.com.. clr soap messageProperties xmlns a2 http schemas.microsoft.com clr ns System.Collections xsd string a2 Hashtable h3 __MethodSignature..

how to use php to include an image in a word file?


of the image and a xml file xml xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office o MainFile HRef .. new.doc o File HRef image001.jpg..

Soapclient query a Sharepoint web service


C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema rs data ItemCount 3 z row ows_Attachments..

Doc to PDF with PHP + Openoffice


tutorial suggests http puno.ayun.web.id 2009 08 php ooo in microsoft windows environment But no luck. Any idea what I can do I am..

How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3?


support for mssql. So I downloaded the drivers from microsoft but I can't seem to get it to work. I am on windows. What do.. driver for MS SQL is available from Microsoft » http msdn.microsoft.com en us sqlserver ff657782.aspx . Once you downloaded that..

Unable to add Attribute with Namespace Prefix using PHP Simplexml


that uses Excels XML Namespaces Workbook xmlns urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet xmlns ss urn schemas microsoft com office.. microsoft com office spreadsheet xmlns ss urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet I need to get to this result need the.. 'value' data addAttribute ss Type String urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet gives me Cell ... Data Type String value..

How to identify web-crawler?


polite bot agents such as the user agents of google microsoft lycos and other crawlers which are generally considered polite...

Access from PHP to .mdb file on Ubuntu


can see http www.coderelic.com 2011 09 how to work with microsoft access mdb databases with php on linux share improve this..

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()


is part of the Mssql extension. You are using microsoft's extension so use sqlsrv_connect for the API for the microsoft.. extension so use sqlsrv_connect for the API for the microsoft driver look at SQLSRV_Help.chm which should be extracted to..