

php Programming Glossary: micro

Why doesn't sprintf() output anything?


ahead and did the following. function currentDateTime list micro Unixtime explode microtime sec micro date s Unixtime sec mb_ereg_replace.. function currentDateTime list micro Unixtime explode microtime sec micro date s Unixtime sec mb_ereg_replace sprintf '.. currentDateTime list micro Unixtime explode microtime sec micro date s Unixtime sec mb_ereg_replace sprintf ' d' sec micro date..

array_push() vs. $array[] = … Which is fastest?


homePlayerRow 'player_id' Thanks in advance php mysql micro optimization share improve this question u can run and see..

PHP Objects vs Arrays


iterating around 500 times at best on top of that so any micro optimization helps a great deal. Would it inevitably be quicker..

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP


more efficient but I think you're wasting your time for a micro optimization. Remember Premature Optimization Is The Root Of.. quick benchmark run... a array for i 0 i 10000 i a i start microtime true foreach a as k v a k v 1 echo Completed in microtime.. microtime true foreach a as k v a k v 1 echo Completed in microtime true start Seconds n start microtime true foreach a as k..

Is micro-optimization worth the time?


micro optimization worth the time I am a PHP developer and I have.. time I am a PHP developer and I have always thought that micro optimizations are not worth the time. If you really need that.. So I am wondering here is that could he be wrong or micro optimization really worth the time and when php performance..

Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code?


about this. Look at this simple piece of code php start microtime true for i 0 i 100000 i date 'Y m d H i s' echo microtime.. microtime true for i 0 i 100000 i date 'Y m d H i s' echo microtime true start It just calls date function using for loop 100.. ALL YOUR ANSWERS AND COMMENTS. php datetime timezone micro optimization share improve this question Update for PHP..

How to check is timezone identifier valid from code?


times and these are the results createTZlist 20 713 microseconds per run createTZlist2 13 848 microseconds per run Here's.. 20 713 microseconds per run createTZlist2 13 848 microseconds per run Here's the faster function function createTZList2.. unless you're comparing the list it gets down to 12 339 microseconds. But really you don't need to return the keys anyway...

isset() vs strlen() - a fast/clear string length calculation


answers. I've started a new question exploring this... Is micro optimisation important when coding php coding style share..

php foreach, why using pass by reference of a array is fast?


a as v if v 'xxxxx' c x array_fill 0 100000 'xxxxx' begin microtime true test1 x end1 microtime true test2 x end2 microtime.. 0 100000 'xxxxx' begin microtime true test1 x end1 microtime true test2 x end2 microtime true echo end1 begin . n 0.03320002555847.. microtime true test1 x end1 microtime true test2 x end2 microtime true echo end1 begin . n 0.03320002555847 echo end2 end1..

How to execute two mysql queries as one in PHP/MYSQL?


so fast that it won't matter. This is a typical example of micro optimization. Don't worry about it. For the record it can be..

How to benchmark efficiency of PHP script


if a cron job or webpage or web service. I know i can use microtime but is it really giving me the real time of a PHP script.. str_replace` Example of a webpage php login.php start_time microtime TRUE session_start do all my logic etc... end_time microtime.. TRUE session_start do all my logic etc... end_time microtime TRUE echo end_time start_time This will output 0.0146126717..