

php Programming Glossary: minlength

Form Validation — A Standard Solution?


amount form Javascript #myForm .validate rules currency minlength 3 required true amount number true As default validation.. These are the pre build messages for rules above minlength Please enter at least three characters required This field is.. Currency is not exist. #myForm .validate rules currency minlength 3 required true checkCurrency true amount number true With..

.post inside jQuery.validator.addMethod always returns false


#loginForm .validate rules username required true minlength 4 checkAvailability true password required true minlength 5.. minlength 4 checkAvailability true password required true minlength 5 messages username required You need to enter a username... messages username required You need to enter a username. minlength jQuery.format Your username should be at least 0 characters..

how to validate multiple input type files with jquery validator plugin


#createAdForm .validate rules movieName required true minlength 2 messages movieName required Please write movie name minlength.. 2 messages movieName required Please write movie name minlength Moview name must consist of at least 2 characters jQuery input.. jQuery #MovieForm .validate rules bizName required true minlength 2 messages bizName required Please write movie name minlength..

JQuery Username Validation


.validate onkeyup false rules username required true minlength 3 usernameCheck true remote check for duplicate username messages.. messages username required username is required. minlength jQuery.format username must be at least 0 characters in length... Change your rules. rules username required true minlength 3 remote 'username_availability.php' remote check for duplicate..

jquery ui autocomplete with database


return label item.user_login_name value item.user_id minLength 2 And here is the the last half of myscript.php while row Database.. .autocomplete source ajax login_name.php dataType json minLength 2 cache false select function event ui alert ui Using FireFox's.. label item.user_login_name value item.user_id json minLength 2 dataType json cache false focus function event ui return false..

jquery autocomplete not working with JSON data


input#txtaddkey .autocomplete source keyword.php minLength 2 PHP code fetch mysql_query SELECT FROM o_keyword where keyword..

jQuery Autocomplete Mysql PHP


function '#auto' .autocomplete source . search.php minLength 3 script and this is the 'auto' div div id searchTxtFieldDiv.. untested #project .autocomplete source . search.php minLength 3 .data autocomplete ._renderItem function ul item return li..

jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example


.attr scrollTop 0 #birds .autocomplete source search.php minLength 1 select function event ui log ui.item Selected ui.item.value..

Finding the subsets of an array in PHP


array. a b c a b c a b a c b c a b c function powerSet in minLength 1 count count in members pow 2 count return array for i 0 i..

Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field


function #suburbs .autocomplete source allSuburbs.php minLength 3 select function event ui '#postcodes' .val ui.item.postcode.. pcode item.pcode error HandleAjaxError custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item this this alert this..