

php Programming Glossary: metas

Get Title and Meta Tags of External site


get and display what you need title nodes item 0 nodeValue metas doc getElementsByTagName 'meta' for i 0 i metas length i meta.. nodeValue metas doc getElementsByTagName 'meta' for i 0 i metas length i meta metas item i if meta getAttribute 'name' 'description'.. getElementsByTagName 'meta' for i 0 i metas length i meta metas item i if meta getAttribute 'name' 'description' description..

Getting meta title and description


title doc getElementsByTagName 'title' title title 0 metas doc getElementsByTagName 'meta' foreach metas as meta if strtolower.. title 0 metas doc getElementsByTagName 'meta' foreach metas as meta if strtolower meta getAttribute 'name' 'description'..

How to get Open Graph Protocol of a webpage by php?


DOMXPath doc query ' meta starts with @property 'og ' ' metas xpath query query foreach metas as meta property meta getAttribute.. with @property 'og ' ' metas xpath query query foreach metas as meta property meta getAttribute 'property' content meta getAttribute.. 'property' content meta getAttribute 'content' rmetas property content var_dump rmetas Instead of doc new DomDocument..