

php Programming Glossary: mid

logic behind pagination like google


int this numPages Total amount of pages @param int this midRange Number of pages to show on each side of current page public.. a ' public function firstPage if this currentPage this midRange 1 if number of pages between currentPage and firstPage.. number of pages between currentPage and firstPage exceeds midRange with 1... firstPage . ' a href '. this queryString.' '...

SimpleXMLElement Access elements with namespace?


ns1 linkID ns1 linkName KFL 20 off No Min ns1 linkName ns1 mid 3071 ns1 mid ns1 nid 1 ns1 nid ns1 clickURL http someurl ns1.. linkName KFL 20 off No Min ns1 linkName ns1 mid 3071 ns1 mid ns1 nid 1 ns1 nid ns1 clickURL http someurl ns1 clickURL ns1.. 'linkName' string 'KFL 20 off No Min' length 18 public 'mid' string '3071' length 4 public 'nid' string '1' length 1 public..

How can I implement OCR on a website using PHP? [closed]


a high performance handwriting recognizer developed in the mid 90's and deployed by the US Census bureau and novel high performance..

MYSQL multiple insert in codeigniter [duplicate]


mId.' ' this db query 'INSERT INTO manufacturers name lang mid VALUES ' . implode ' ' sql I wonder if there's a better way..

PHP Typecasting - Good or bad?


in PHP are documented here see the type specific links mid way down the page eg Converting to integer . This approach has..

Multi-byte safe wordwrap() function for UTF-8


as wordwrap . Specifically be sure it works to cut mid word if cut true don't cut mid word otherwise not insert extra.. be sure it works to cut mid word if cut true don't cut mid word otherwise not insert extra spaces in words if break ' '..

PHP: Uploading large files fail


i try uploading via the upload form it ends up freezing mid way around 33 . Although im not sure if only the progress bar..

Sort php multidimensional array by sub-value


1293005125 user administrator 1 Array mid 1293001908 viewed TRUE active TRUE time December 22 2010.. 1293001908 user administrator 2 Array mid 1293009999 viewed TRUE active TRUE time December 22 2010.. 1293009999 user administrator 3 Array mid 1293006666 viewed TRUE active TRUE time December 22 2010..

Parse HTML as PHP


and this would not be a practicable solution. For low to mid volume sites however the performance penalty would be nill...

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces


2009 04 11T18 43 58 eb Timestamp eb RefToMessageId mid areference eb RefToMessageId eb MessageData eb MessageHeader..

PHP: Image retrieval from MySQL Blob directly into <img> tag


yet found a way to retrieve the image s cleanly into the middle of my documents. For example using image row 'file_data'.. code snippet to successfully display the stored .jpg mid file in the PHP output php mysql image blob share improve..