

php Programming Glossary: microtime

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


html file_get_html url nodes array start microtime res array if html find 'img' foreach html find 'img' as element.. src echo pre print_r imageDownload nodes 200 200 echo h1 microtime start h1 function imageDownload nodes maxHeight 0 maxWidth 0..

unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset


h db sid preg_replace ' ^a z0 9 i' '' session_id key md5 microtime . sid . rand sql INSERT INTO . TABLE_TEMPDATA . tempdata_key..

Profiling PHP code


any pre made tools that allow for this or am I stuck using microtime and building my own profiling framework php performance profiling..

Speed difference in using inline strings vs concatenation in php5? [closed]


timeFunc function runs times array for i 0 i runs i time microtime call_user_func function times i microtime time return array_sum.. 0 i runs i time microtime call_user_func function times i microtime time return array_sum times runs function Method1 foo 'some..

Simplest way to profile a PHP script


around specific functions. I tried experimenting with the microtime function then microtime myFunc now microtime echo sprintf Elapsed.. I tried experimenting with the microtime function then microtime myFunc now microtime echo sprintf Elapsed f now then but that.. with the microtime function then microtime myFunc now microtime echo sprintf Elapsed f now then but that sometimes gives me..

Opening/closing tags & performance?


done with some profiler like xdebug or even manually using microtime 1 . Learn to profile before asking performance questions. And..

List of Big-O for PHP functions


j test_indexes rand 0 i 1 benchmark array lookups start microtime TRUE foreach test_indexes as test_index value array test_index.. as test_index value array test_index unset value stop microtime TRUE unset array test_indexes test_index printf d 1.15f n i..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


count bytes '' if this randomState null this randomState microtime if function_exists 'getmypid' this randomState . getmypid .. . getmypid for i 0 i count i 16 this randomState md5 microtime . this randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5 this randomState..

Is there a performance benefit single quote vs double quote in php? [duplicate]


timeFunc function runs times array for i 0 i runs i time microtime call_user_func function times i microtime time return array_sum.. 0 i runs i time microtime call_user_func function times i microtime time return array_sum times runs function Method1 foo 'some..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


errors testArray fillArray 0 5 Time json encoding start microtime true json_encode testArray jsonTime microtime true start echo.. start microtime true json_encode testArray jsonTime microtime true start echo JSON encoded in jsonTime seconds br Time serialization.. encoded in jsonTime seconds br Time serialization start microtime true serialize testArray serializeTime microtime true start..