

php Programming Glossary: mime_type

Webkit and Excel file(PHPexcel)


tried so far in Safari Windows and Chrome. The get_known_mime_types function just returns a giant array of all the mime types that.. you have luck with it too function file_download file name mime_type '' The majority of this code was taken from http w shadow.com.. name Figure out the MIME type if not specified known_mime_types get_known_mime_types if mime_type '' file_extension strtolower..

PHP fileinfo is undefined function


The code I am using is file_info new finfo FILEINFO_MIME mime_type file_info buffer file_get_contents file php undefined function..

Detecting image type from base64 string in PHP


.... imgdata base64_decode encoded_string f finfo_open mime_type finfo_buffer f imgdata FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE share improve this..

Unable to wrap text in an image


340 y_finalpos 250 xpos 180 ypos 278 xpos1 225 ypos1 305 mime_type 'image png' extension '.png' s_end_buffer_size 4096 check for.. font_color font_file email header 'Content type ' . mime_type ImagePNG image ImageDestroy image exit attempt to create an..

PHP: Image retrieval from MySQL Blob directly into <img> tag


the stored images using header 'Content type ' . image 'mime_type' echo image 'file_data' everything looks just fine. However.. ob_end_clean sql sprintf insert into images filename mime_type file_size file_data event_id values ' s' ' s' d ' s' d mysql_real_escape_string..