

php Programming Glossary: michael

dot in variable name


pass a valid variable name instead. Edit To follow up on Michael Borgwardt's comment here's the text from PHP's documentation..

Registry design pattern…good or bad?


and Singleton design patterns @version 0.1 @author Michael Peacock class PCARegistry Our array of objects @access private..

How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate]


source . It looks like there is some copyright on it of Michael Rushton . As stated Feel free to use and redistribute this code...

Display MySQL results by date


this mysql Table date query count 2012 11 18 09 52 00 Michael 1 2012 11 18 10 47 10 Tom 2 2012 11 17 15 02 12 John 1 2012.. table ordered by specific date like this In 2012 11 18 Michael Tom In 2012 11 17 John Erik In 2012 11 16 Larry Kate and so.. h1 n echo row 'query' br n Output 2012 11 18 Tom Michael 2012 11 17 Erik John 2012 11 16 Larry Kate Note that while this..

Zend Framework 2 - Hydrator strategy for Doctrine relationship not working


or something. All this is basically the good work of Michael Gallego aka Bakura In case you drop by the IRC just hug him..

I want to add a text beside the total price calcualtion (how to)?


Slashes in MySQL tables, but using PDO and parameterized queries. Whats up?


let me know what I'm not doing right Thanks in advance Michael php mysql pdo share improve this question Probably ou've..

PHP - Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array


called songs which outputs the following Array 0 Array Michael Jackson Thriller 1 Array Michael Jackson Rock With You 2.. Array 0 Array Michael Jackson Thriller 1 Array Michael Jackson Rock With You 2 Array Teddy Pendergrass Love TKO .. duplicate keys so I can get the following Array 0 Array Michael Jackson Array 0 Thriller 1 Rock With You 1 Array Teddy..

looking for PHP login script [closed]


something free and simple to support and modify Thank you. Michael php scripting login share improve this question This page..

Regex Remove Images with style tag from Html


php regex share improve this question Like Michael pointed out you don't want to use Regex for this purpose. A..

Does Perl have PHP-like dynamic variables?


Does PHP's filter_var FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL actually work?


expression used in the PHP 5.3.3 filter code is based on Michael Rushton's blog about Email Address Validation . It does seem..

Joomla : how to get the url of a specific Menu itemID?


Apache permissions, PHP file create, MKDir fail


to hack the website by overwriting the files. So don't. Michael there's a perfectly viable reason why your script can't create..

Avoid DOMDocument XML warnings in php


I can't comment on answers yet so I'll write it here Michael solution makes it less strict but it'll still issue warnings..

Force-Download with php on Amazon S3


attachment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Michael php download amazon s3 share improve this question The..

How does this PHP nonce library work?


protection look at this project http code.google.com p michael the messenger Look in config.php on line 37. Peace share improve..

Parsing JSON file with PHP


this is my PHP so far php string file_get_contents home michael test.json json_a json_decode string true echo json_a 'John'..

Switch id numbers of two rows in MySql


are 1 Peter 22 germany 2 mary 16 iceland 3 tom 29 france 4 michael 34 greece and then i would like to swap the id's of rows 2 and.. 1 Peter 22 germany 3 mary 16 iceland 2 tom 29 france 4 michael 34 greece so that if i then ordered it by id i would have 1.. 1 Peter 22 germany 2 tom 29 france 3 mary 16 iceland 4 michael 34 greece php mysql sql database share improve this question..

parameters in MySQLi


up an array that I give it for example search array name michael age 20 turns into SELECT fields FROM table WHERE name michael.. age 20 turns into SELECT fields FROM table WHERE name michael AND age 20 Is there a more efficient way to do this I'm rather.. queries db new mysqli database connection info here name michael age 20 stmt db prepare SELECT fields FROm table WHERE name AND..