

php Programming Glossary: metrics

how to use imagick annotateImage for chinese text?


false line goodLine.' '. str else line goodLine. str metrics image queryFontMetrics draw line if metrics 'textWidth' maxWidth.. goodLine. str metrics image queryFontMetrics draw line if metrics 'textWidth' maxWidth if goodLine '' linesArr goodLine goodLine.. linesArr goodLine goodLine str else goodLine line if metrics 'textHeight' lineHeight lineHeight metrics 'textHeight' if..

Good PHP Metric tools [closed]


but it does not provide any tools for obtaining code metrics. I have also used SourceMonitor before but it does not support.. anyone used and can recommend any tools for getting code metrics from PHP code php metrics lines of code share improve this.. any tools for getting code metrics from PHP code php metrics lines of code share improve this question My company provides..

WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible?


the other peer will order them using some predefined metrics for prioritizing and then issue connection tests to find a good..

Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects


contains much more internal information. Stuff like code metrics code style checking and so on are not my primary focus right..

PHP code's performance test


vary over time so you need to build proper performance metrics into your code. ...and even then the time taken for the PHP..

Track Page Views using PHP


your logfiles or use Google Analytics to track those metrics for you or if you are looking for an extendable and self hosted..

PHP Tools for quality check [closed]


Detector CPD for PHP code. PHP_Depend is a PHP software metrics tool. PHPUnit is the de facto standard unit test framework for..

Integrate PHPT test cases with PHPUnit


cases and integrate the pass fail status into the overall metrics I am already aware of how to run these tests using run phpt..

How might I integrate phpunit with Hudson CI?


failed if any. After I figure that out getting coverage metrics and api will be next It seems like it should be trivial for..

Find out how many users are online in PHP?


it to show not only how many users for each of these metrics is online on my entire site but record and output the data for..

Cosine similarity vs Hamming distance


It works well. The best link about string similarity metrics http www.dcs.shef.ac.uk ~sam stringmetrics.html For further.. similarity metrics http www.dcs.shef.ac.uk ~sam stringmetrics.html For further interesting readings http www.miislita.com..

How can we access specific Google Analytics account data using API?


display products. We'd like to provide our clients with metrics from our Google Analytics account regarding their products in..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


service accounts . Currently pulling 4 years of day by day metrics just for the hell of it. When I have a hot second I'll post.. client service data_ga get ids startDate endDate metrics optParams original workaround below It seems that despite ambiguous..