

php Programming Glossary: microseconds

What is the best way in PHP to read last lines from a file?


like 5 28 10 1400 tests measuring average elapsed time in microseconds. I run the script on my local development machine Xubuntu 12.04..

PHP DateTime microseconds always returns 0


DateTime microseconds always returns 0 this code always returns 0 in PHP 5.2.5 for.. returns 0 this code always returns 0 in PHP 5.2.5 for microseconds php dt new DateTime echo dt format Y m d TH i s.u . n Output..

PHP: How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string?


generates a unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds. I think I'll use that. php string random uniqueidentifier..

Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision?


So I am using PHP and Doctrine and I really need those microseconds I am using the actAs Timestampable property . I found a that.. SQL92 compliant database does not need to support milli or microseconds from my point of view. Therefore the Bug #8523 is correctly.. marked as feature request . How does Doctrine will handle microseconds et al I just found the following Doctrine#Timestamp The timestamp..

PHP array performance


such operations million times and each times it takes few microseconds. I guess I could use an array of booleans in a statically typed..

Query time result in MySQL w/ PHP


Scheduling php scripts


I said milliseconds 1000msec is 1s but this func is for microseconds 1s 1000000us include_once argv 2 And your classes functions..

What is the fastest way to find the occurrence of a string in another string? [duplicate]


seems to be in the lead strstr used 0.48487210273743 microseconds for 1000000 iterations finding 'quick' in 'The quick brown fox.. fox jumps over the lazy dog' strpos used 0.40836095809937 microseconds for 1000000 iterations finding 'quick' in 'The quick brown fox.. fox jumps over the lazy dog' strstr used 0.45261287689209 microseconds for 1000000 iterations finding 'dog' in 'The quick brown fox..