

php Programming Glossary: minified

How to minify JS in PHP easily…Or something else


that I write out then I have to minify it and paste the minified script into scripts.js the one that I actually USE on my website... on the end of a closure. It'd be a wise idea to cache the minified output and echo what is cached so long as it's newer than the..

Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically


as I would a CSS file in my code. The user is returned minified CSS instead of the LESS file cached so the compiler doesn't.. compilers lessphp file styles main.less Be presented with minified CSS main.less.css and main.less.cache should now exist in the..

Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code


code you get is so convoluted it might as well have been minified and really function var names are so often completely arbitrary.. var names are so often completely arbitrary i've edited minified js and it wasn't much more of a hassle than some unminified.. js and it wasn't much more of a hassle than some unminified code. I couldn't find any such script program most likely because..

Can I override the PHP built-in function echo()?


sites with a lot of visitors you'll often find the markup minified which is the opposite of what you are trying to do simply because..



the page is from actual markup and content. This cannot be minified. Even form variables need to be left alone as they must have..

how to Minify JS / CSS on the fly / runtime


can keep the original code structure in my servers if its minified on the runtime fly. php javascript css optimization minify..

How can I block direct access to my JavaScript files?


requests. I only want my users to be able to access the minified versions of the JavaScript files. Minify lies at www.example.com.. direct access to doc_root scripts which is where my unminified JavaScript files lie. I'd rather not put them out of the document..

Combining and Compressing multiple JavaScript files in php


Their sample code is require 'jsmin 1.1.1.php' Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js'.. by doing something like require 'jsmin 1.1.1.php' Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js'..