

php Programming Glossary: mime_content_type

How to get the content-type of a file in PHP?


finfo else require_once 'upgradephp ext mime.php' type mime_content_type file if type in_array type array 'application octet stream'.. PHP finfo functions. If those aren't available it uses the mime_content_type alternative and includes the drop in replacement from the Upgrade.php.. for the mime type functions and that the Upgrade.php mime_content_type replacement is far from perfect. The limited exif_imagetype..

Why is mime_content_type() deprecated in PHP?


is mime_content_type deprecated in PHP I'm just curious to know why mime_content_type.. deprecated in PHP I'm just curious to know why mime_content_type is now considered deprecated. This method for determining the.. about files . EDIT Here is a replacement hack function _mime_content_type filename result new finfo if is_resource result true return..

Symfony2 - Force file download


Control' 'private' response headers set 'Content type' mime_content_type filename response headers set 'Content Disposition' 'attachment..

Regex: Modify img src tags


code which does not work function data_uri filename mime mime_content_type filename data base64_encode file_get_contents filename return.. the handler UPDATE 2 php function data_uri filename mime mime_content_type filename data base64_encode file_get_contents filename return..

How do I find the mime-type of a file with php?


of many different file types. Lastly you can check out the mime_content_type function but it has been deprecated for the Fileinfo PECL extension...

What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP?


very useful fileinfo extension that supersedes the older mime_content_type function to validate mime types. FILEINFO_MIME set to return..

Get mime type of external file using cURL and php


mime type of external file using cURL and php I've used mime_content_type and File info but i never successed. i want to use now cURL..

How to check file types of uploaded files in PHP?


Excel files Or even text only files Edit If you don't have mime_content_type or Fileinfo and system file bi uploadedfile gives you the wrong.. mime types share improve this question Take a look at mime_content_type or Fileinfo . These are built in PHP commands for determining..

Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


x shockwave flash' default if function_exists 'mime_content_type' fileSuffix mime_content_type path return 'unknown ' . trim.. default if function_exists 'mime_content_type' fileSuffix mime_content_type path return 'unknown ' . trim fileSuffix 0 '.' php performance..

Why this code is not working on linux server?


is not set get from server settings if function_exists 'mime_content_type' mtype mime_content_type file_path else if function_exists.. settings if function_exists 'mime_content_type' mtype mime_content_type file_path else if function_exists 'finfo_file' finfo finfo_open..

Detecting MIME type in PHP


way to detect a files MIME type in PHP. I'm aware of the mime_content_type method and the Fileinfo extension however mime_content_type.. method and the Fileinfo extension however mime_content_type is unreliable and deprecated and Fileinfo doesn't come in a..

uploaded file type check by PHP


ger error I was wondering if this fixes the problem. if mime_content_type _FILES 'fupload' 'type' image gif ... any comment php file..

PHP file upload: mime or extention based varification?


that opens a website to this type of attack php mimetype mime_content_type _FILES 'file' 'tmp_name' if in_array mimetype array 'image jpeg'..

How to serve documents from outside the web root using PHP?


path file does not exist exit header 'Content Type ' . mime_content_type path header 'Content Length ' . filesize path readfile path..