

php Programming Glossary: mile

Mysql query, select nearest places by a given coordinates


to know that Each degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles 111 kilometers apart. The range varies due to the earth's slightly.. due to the earth's slightly ellipsoid shape from 68.703 miles 110.567 km at the equator to 69.407 111.699 km at the poles... each minute 1 60th of a degree is approximately one mile. A degree of longitude is widest at the equator at 69.172 miles..

Best practices: safest method to store passwords in a table? [closed]


do to protect passwords. But if you want to go the extra mile consider bcrypt or some other iterative hashing scheme. share..

php mysql compare long and lat, return ones under 10 miles


mysql compare long and lat return ones under 10 miles Hay i want to find the distance in miles between 2 locations.. ones under 10 miles Hay i want to find the distance in miles between 2 locations using lat and long values and check if.. lat and long values and check if they are within a 10 mile radius of each other. When a user logs in their lat long values..

php/mysql zip code proximity search


a search function that searches for users within a 50 mile radius of a zip code. I have a zip code table that contains..

Proximity Search


then the application lists all the businesses within 20 miles ordered by proximity. I want to build something like that in.. index them ahead of time. Define a grid of bins about 20 miles on a side. Store the bin number with each store's record. At.. time compute the numbers of all bins that intersect a 20 mile radius from your search point. Then retrieve all stores in any..

Get results from mysql based on latitude longidude


DEGREES X radians to degrees 60 minutes in a degree 1.1515 miles in a nautical mile 1.609344 kilometres in a mile share improve..

PHP MySql and geolocation


writing a site that basically looks for places within a 25 mile radius of a lat and long using php and mysql. I am wondering.. and have it pull out only locations that are within 25 miles of the lat and long from my Database of locations. What is.. lat2 cos deg2rad theta dist acos dist dist rad2deg dist miles dist 60 1.1515 unit strtoupper unit if unit K return miles..

mySQL select zipcodes within x km/miles within range of y


select zipcodes within x km miles within range of y Note Although I use a zipcode database with.. all zipcodes and corresponding distances within a certain mile kilometer radius from another zipcode or point This problems.. database you want to find all zipcodes within a certain mile radius of a central point. If the central point is another zipcode..

What's the best way to detect a browser with php?


your CSS problems. IE7 is still not good but it's a clear mile better than IE6 and it is just about supportable while sticking..

Queries to find places within a given lat/lng


lat lng. I have no problem with this Places within one mile list of places... Using something like SELECT FROM places WHERE.. AND lng lngmin But then I want to list places within two miles BUT not within one mile that is I don't want to repeat the.. I want to list places within two miles BUT not within one mile that is I don't want to repeat the results from the first query...

insert multiple rows via a php array into mysql


a query other than appending each value on the end of an mile long string and then executing it. I am using the codeigniter..

Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API


towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API I've recently started looking.. not only show the nearest town but also any within a 5 10 mile radius. Could someone tell me how I would go about doing this.. 6371.009 in kilometers elseif unit 'mi' radius 3958.761 in miles latitude boundaries maxLat float lat rad2deg distance radius..