

php Programming Glossary: meters

Adding time in PHP


What regex pattern do I need for this?


English words. So color would be replaced by colour meters by metres and so on I know that meters is also a British English.. replaced by colour meters by metres and so on I know that meters is also a British English word but for the copy we'll be using.. red p should replace word p Tony Brammeter lives 2000 meters from his sister p should replace meters for the word but not..

Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity


Google HQ San Francisco CA Vincenty Formula 49 087.066 meters Haversine Formula 49 103.006 meters Spherical Law of Cosines.. Formula 49 087.066 meters Haversine Formula 49 103.006 meters Spherical Law of Cosines 49 103.006 meters Google HQ Eiffel.. 49 103.006 meters Spherical Law of Cosines 49 103.006 meters Google HQ Eiffel Tower France Vincenty Formula 8 989 724.399..

Using PHP and google Maps Api to work out distance between 2 post codes (UK)


along with the total driving distance in JSON format meters 122977 . The format of the q parameter should be from xxx 20to..

How to convert imperial units of length into metric?


eval return number This is how you convert inches to meters according to Google calculator. meters inches 0.0254 Returns.. convert inches to meters according to Google calculator. meters inches 0.0254 Returns it in meters. You may then convert to.. to Google calculator. meters inches 0.0254 Returns it in meters. You may then convert to centimeters by multiplying by 100 kilometers..

distance calculations in mysql queries


is the multiplier to give you a returned result in kilometers. Use appropriate alternative multipliers if you want to result..