

php Programming Glossary: minimal

Stop using `global` in PHP


syntax back. Input Output. Clear seams clear interfaces minimal well defined responsibilities. You can do the same with a simple..

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


you can switch from the old mysql_ functions with minimal effort . It adds pdo_ function wrappers which replace their..

What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do?


5.4 html_entity_decode introduces four new flags with a minimal explanation ENT_HTML401 Handle code as HTML 4.01. ENT_XML1 Handle.. that they are here. My research htmlentities has the same minimal explanation with no examples too. I have googled with no luck...

How can I get jQuery code completion in NetBeans?


are configured properly code completion changes by the minimal version of the targeted browsers to make sure that the functionality..

Database and OOP Practices in PHP


http www.sitepoint.com blogs 2009 05 11 bucket is a minimal dependency injection container for php interface DataSource..

Converting HTML to plain text in PHP for e-mail


to plain text in PHP for e mail I use TinyMCE to allow minimal formatting of text within my site. From the HTML that's produced..

Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers?


Ubuntu Server comes to mind it has an option to install a minimal installation specific to VMs . Download the server ISO image.. from it press F4 on the first screen and select Install a minimal virtual machine . Less than 380MB installed footprint Specialized.. Use a well known distro and stript it down Instal a minimal Debian system and strip down some features or create a small..

a better approach than storing mysql password in plain text in config file?


this after all these years So far I have come up with two minimal security boosts make the file unreadable via the web using rules..

Is there an online PHP IDE? [closed]


the code for your pages online Real syntax highlighting is minimal. More would be great. I'd like to be able to do development..

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP


is just too easy... The time difference is going to be minimal in most cases. The big thing to watch for is for i 0 i count..

Which ORM for codeigniter? [closed]


django your favorite orm sucks.html I want something with minimal effort to setup. Most of my project are small so I don't want..

Best way to connect to mysql with php securely


password. Other than that you are on the right lines with minimal access for the account being used. Add to that Don't use the..

When *not* to use prepared statements?


I'm re engineering a PHP driven web site which uses a minimal database. The original version used pseudo prepared statements..

What's the best way to separate PHP Code and HTML? [closed]


'center' this centerContent render div body html Below are minimal template classes for both php 4 and 5. PHP 4 class Template..

Reading a Git repository, without Git


PHP web app which will serve among other things as a minimal front end to a git repository. Any library article for reading..