

php Programming Glossary: mh

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


h1 function imageDownload nodes maxHeight 0 maxWidth 0 mh curl_multi_init curl_array array foreach nodes as i url curl_array.. curl_array i CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 15 curl_multi_add_handle mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh.. curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url curlErrorCode..

php - Fastest way to check presence of text in many domains (above 1000)


Faster Function Used function checkLinks nodes text mh curl_multi_init curl_array array foreach nodes as i url curl_array.. curl_array i CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 15 curl_multi_add_handle mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh.. curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url curlErrorCode..

How to prevent server from overloading during Curl requests in PHP [closed]


Total Time Taken Function Used function multiplePost nodes mh curl_multi_init curl_array array foreach nodes as i domain domain.. i CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION true curl_multi_add_handle mh curl_array i echo PHP_EOL PHP_EOL running NULL do usleep 10000.. PHP_EOL running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url curlErrorCode..

php single curl works but multi curl doesn't work?


if count this sessions window window count this sessions mh curl_multi_init site_map array for i 0 i window i curl_multi_add_handle.. site_map array for i 0 i window i curl_multi_add_handle mh this sessions i site_map string this sessions i i data_results.. data_results array running null do execrun curl_multi_exec mh running while execrun CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM while running..