

php Programming Glossary: mi

Merge multiple associative arrays to a single array of associative arrays


marks grade A . You can use MultipleIterator final array mi new MultipleIterator mi attachIterator new ArrayIterator ids.. use MultipleIterator final array mi new MultipleIterator mi attachIterator new ArrayIterator ids mi attachIterator new ArrayIterator.. MultipleIterator mi attachIterator new ArrayIterator ids mi attachIterator new ArrayIterator names mi attachIterator new..

Extracting data from HTML using PHP and xPath


sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac condimentum mi. div EXTRACT 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing.. sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac condimentum mi.' from contents of class slogan div div div div div class actions..

Distance between two addresses


in php and I would need a library or a remote service similar to google maps api that calculate the distance between 2.. levels BB levels polyline duration value 9 value text 1 min text duration html_instructions Head b northeast b on b Madison.. levels BB levels polyline duration value 148 value text 2 mins text duration html_instructions Turn b left b at the 2nd cross..

List of All Locales and Their Short Codes?


GL km KH kn IN kok IN ko KR ky KG lb LU lo LA lt LT lv LV mi NZ mk MK ml IN mn MN mn Mong CN moh CA mr IN ms BN ms MY mt..

mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why?


result2 fname newArray 'FNAME' lname newArray 'LNAME' mi newArray 'MI' address newArray 'ADDRESS' city newArray 'CITY'.. because you have data representing a hierarchy. You might want to consider storing the data differently so you can..

Facebook post on page with PHP SDK


help me in documentation. Also none of google results gave mi answer. function post_facebook data null result require_once.. if you want to post on a fan page where you are adminstrator.. do the next Your application needs to have this permission.. do the next Your application needs to have this permission minimum this loginUrl this facebook getLoginUrl array ..

Simplest way to detect a mobile device


fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker.. lynx m1 w m3ga m50 ma te ui xo mc 01 21 ca m cr me rc ri mi o8 oa ts mmef mo 01 02 bi de do t o v zz mt 50 p1 v mwbp mywa..

Trying to pull in elements from Yahoo Weather XML


Is pulling a value from the sunrise element the right terminology Struggling to find much in the way of help using this.. Struggling to find much in the way of help using this terminology on the web. The remainder of the code is functioning as.. region NY country US yweather units temperature F distance mi pressure in speed mph yweather wind chill 40 direction 0 speed..