

php Programming Glossary: minlat

How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location


calculated by working out an initial bounding box in PHP minLat maxLat minLong and maxLong and limiting the rows to a subset.. of your entries based on that WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong . Then..

distance calculations in mysql queries


calculated by working out an initial bounding box in PHP minLat maxLat minLong and maxLong and limiting the rows to a subset.. of your entries based on that WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong . Then..

Queries to find places within a given lat/lng


idea. maxLat city latitude max_distance 69 69 Miles Degree minLat city latitude max_distance 69 maxLon city longitude max_distance.. FROM cities WHERE latitude maxLat AND latitude minLat AND longitude maxLon AND longitude minLon The rest of the query..

Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API


boundaries maxLat float lat rad2deg distance radius minLat float lat rad2deg distance radius longitude boundaries longitude.. lng ORDER BY ABS lat ABS lng ASC LIMIT ' array minLat maxLat minLng maxLng float lat float lng int limit return nearby..