

php Programming Glossary: mini

OpenCart: Where is the div for the drop down header cart info?


when you click the Shopping Cart icon in the header the 'mini cart' that slides down it allows you to view what's in your.. in version v1.5.3.1 The section is in the top within .mini cart info class. Example from some of the code snippet below.. a div div class content php if products vouchers div class mini cart info table php foreach products as product tr td class..

Examples of vulnerable PHP code?


of vulnerable PHP code Ok so me and a friend are doing a mini presentation on PHP security I'm not really into PHP though..

When to use a Class vs. Function in PHP


and am wondering if a class is more efficient Say I have a mini calendar widget that I've built in php. I'm thinking about calling.. I've built in php. I'm thinking about calling the function miniCal 'arrayVars1' 'var2' . But I might do it twice on that page...

I'm looking for a introduction to php(5 or 6)/mysql/javascript web development book


section there are questions what you learned so far and mini projects. Is there any books like this I'm absolutely new to..

shell_exec() timeout management & exec()


on the script finishing with a return status. Plus in my mini test page I can't seem to get it to return any output The other.. Are there any accepted methods for this use case My mini test consisted of the following public e_return array public..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


the server date in real time on the clients the displays a mini chat. Method 1 iframe server timestamp You need a backend PHP..

Facebook mutual friends and FQL 4999/5000 record limit


PHP function and looping through the chunks to execute mini queries and then appending it all back into one array. The whole..

Simple Smart Phone detection


preg_match ' android i' user_agent preg_match ' opera mini i' user_agent preg_match ' blackberry i' user_agent preg_match.. smartphone windows ce iemobile i' user_agent preg_match ' mini 9.5 vx1000 lge m800 e860 u940 ux840 compal wireless mobi ahong..

What is so wrong with extract()?


the worst PHP practices. In the second answer there is a mini discussion on the use of extract and im just wondering what..

I want to cURL google search result in php


curl_close ch Note the user agent I used is an old opera mini browser. this way google displays an html content that you can..

Detect mobile devices - and tablet devices


elaine htc iemobile iphone ipad ipaq ipod j2me java midp mini mmp mobi motorola nec nokia palm panasonic philips phone sagem..