

php Programming Glossary: mimetype

Google Drive PHP SDK saves an Untitled file


function insertFile service title description parentId mimeType filename file new DriveFile file setTitle title file setDescription.. title file setDescription description file setMimeType mimeType if file parentId null parentsCollectionData new DriveFileParentsCollection.. service files insert file array 'data' datafile 'mimeType' mimeType print_r datafile return createdFile catch Exception..

Upload video to Youtube using Youtube API V3 and PHP


snippet video array data file_get_contents video.mp4 mimeType video mp4 catch Google_ServiceException e print Caught Google..

Post large video to youtube via google php client api v3


videos insert status snippet video array data videoData mimeType video mp4 Is there any way to post the data in chunks or stream..

Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


Set the content type header header 'Content Type '.File mimeType path Handle caching fileModificationTime gmdate 'D d M Y H i.. Read the file readfile path exit static function mimeType path preg_match . a z0 9 2 4 i path fileSuffix switch strtolower..

HTTP Headers for File Downloads


@param string fileName the name of the file @param string mimeType the type of file function outputFile filePath fileName mimeType.. the type of file function outputFile filePath fileName mimeType '' Setup mimeTypes array 'pdf' 'application pdf' 'txt' 'text.. function outputFile filePath fileName mimeType '' Setup mimeTypes array 'pdf' 'application pdf' 'txt' 'text plain' 'html' 'text..

PHP HTTP-Request


'your.url' req setMethod 'POST' req setHeader content type mimeType req setBody '' response req send share improve this answer..

Serving file hosted on another server as download


ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER TRUE head curl_exec ch mimeType curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE size curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD.. HTTP request made on your script header 'Content Type '. mimeType header 'Content Disposition attachment filename '. filename...

PHP: Image retrieval from MySQL Blob directly into <img> tag


mysql_real_escape_string fileName mysql_real_escape_string mimeType imageSize mysql_real_escape_string content eventID result cn..

POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking


name self.fileName.text fileName filePath mimeType @ image jpeg AFHTTPRequestOperation operation AFHTTPRequestOperation.. name self.fileName.text fileName filePath mimeType @ image jpeg AFHTTPRequestOperation operation AFHTTPRequestOperation..

How to receive php image data over copy-n-paste javascript with XMLHttpRequest


formData.append 'extension' extension formData.append mimetype file.type formData.append 'submission type' type var xhr new..

PHP files are downloaded by browser instead of processed by local dev server (MAMP)


mamp share improve this question You are applying a mimetype where a handler should be see documentation on handlers Try..

index.php is not opening and running as download the file


In the case of this happening in IIS. I would say that the mimetype is not setup correctly and that the server doesn't know how..

How can I only allow certain filetypes on upload in php?


_FILES 'foreign_character_upload' 'type' returns the mimetype if file_type is anything other than jpg gif or pdf error_message.. _FILES 'foreign_character_upload' 'type' returns the mimetype allowed array image jpeg image gif application pdf if in_array..

PHP output showing little black diamonds with a question mark


such header is the Content Type header which specifies the mimetype of the file Eg. text html as well as the encoding aka charset..

Get MIME Type via PHP


manual en function.finfo file.php return mime type ala mimetype extension finfo finfo_open FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE Of course this..

php force download extension


php share improve this question You can lie about the mimetype but besides that there isn't anything you can do. Try application..

Serving file hosted on another server as download


en function.readfile.php but I don't know filesize and mimetype how can I get assurance that file will be downloaded properly.. URL. This will let the web server hosting the target the mimetype and content length of the file. ch curl_init curl_setopt ch..

How to Check if File is ASCII or Binary in PHP


but hey it's pretty darn close. return mime type ala mimetype extension finfo finfo_open FILEINFO_MIME check to see if the..

PHP image upload security approach


to check of min max dimensions and photo validity Check of mimetype and file extension match Resizing of uploaded photo to std dimensions..

PHP file upload: mime or extention based varification?


it to be that opens a website to this type of attack php mimetype mime_content_type _FILES 'file' 'tmp_name' if in_array mimetype.. mime_content_type _FILES 'file' 'tmp_name' if in_array mimetype array 'image jpeg' 'image gif' 'image png' move_uploaded_file..

PHP to protect PDF's and DOC's


array of support file types for download script and there mimetype mimeTypes array 'doc' 'application msword' 'pdf' 'application..