

php Programming Glossary: mine

PHP Sessions across sub domains


While the examples can and do work for most situations mine is a little different as the user s will not necessarily be..

Building a website using node.js - best practice [closed]


friendly forever npm module. See this SO question of mine for more information. Conclusion What I'm trying to get at is..

Registry design pattern…good or bad?


net.tutsplus.com php creating a php5 framework part 1 not mine. I have a few questions about this code... The article claims..

foreach and simplexml


insightful examples that are explained more in depth than mine here Basic SimpleXML usage I hope the answer is helpful anyway...

Stop using `global` in PHP


we're facing the conflict here of two different minds e.g. mine yet NOT well understanding object oriented programming and those..

mysqli or die, does it have to die?


or can you put a different query afterwards Like a predetermined function that writes a log of the error to another table Such.. with strange message. What's that Who is invalid Is it mine fault or what Or may be it's a virus Better leave the site at.. have to write it only once. One important note a predetermined function that writes a log of the error to another table This..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


You also might find somewhat beneficial these old posts of mine on the MVC related subjects here here and here P.S. since PHP..

SimpleXML: Working with XML containing namespaces


georss where gml Point gml pos From the docs emphasis mine registerXPathNamespace ¦] Creates a prefix ns context for the..

Do I need a trailing semicolon here?


your question Instruction separation quoting emphasis mine As in C or Perl PHP requires instructions to be terminated with..

declare property as object?


From the PHP manual on class properties emphasis mine Class member variables are called properties . You may also..

Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse


engineer me j.put date today j.put fuel full j.put car mine j.put distance miles Next I pass the object over for sending..

How can I tag a user in a photo using the Facebook Graph API?


Password security: sha1, sha256 or sha512


using salt I think I got it from a reference book of mine # create a salt using the current timestamp salt time # encrypt..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


InfoSec or Web Security expert I highly doubt it. Emphasis mine. What makes a good password anyway Entropy . Not that I fully..

Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted


call in one of the primary php files that a co worker of mine added without my knowledge. Thanks for your help guys. php..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


and implemented as a Lookup table. The names are then determined by Joins and interpretation is eliminated. I drew this in the.. giants I just accept. That their minds are greater than mine. It is like accepting Standards or behaving within the law or..

Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP


thing but I can't just post the source to it as it isn't mine. I will however get you in touch with him if you e mail me at..

PHP: Sort an array by the length of its values?


is an unstable sort. array array bbbbb dog cat aaa aaaa mine 0 bbbbb 1 aaaa 2 aaa 3 cat 4 dog others 0 bbbbb 1 aaaa 2 dog..

Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off?


have code for grabbing the form fields so I didn't post mine but if you need it let me know. Just make sure formFields is..