

php Programming Glossary: minifier

How to minify JS in PHP easily…Or something else


What I really want though is a simple and easy to use JS minifier that uses PHP to minify JS code and return the result. The reason..

Minify/compress CSS with regex?


minify share improve this question Simple regex CSS minifier compressor Ok it may not be overly simple but pretty straight.. bottom 0 margin left 10px margin right 10px Compared cssminifier.com Results of cssminifier.com for the same input as the test.. margin right 10px Compared cssminifier.com Results of cssminifier.com for the same input as the test above p i html body p p remove..

PHP auto minify. Is there any?


javascript css share improve this question Javascript minifier Take a look here require_once 'jsmin 1.1.1.php' files glob path..