

php Programming Glossary: minify

Minify/compress CSS with regex?


compress CSS with regex In PHP can you compress minify CSS with regex PCRE As a theoretical in regex. I'm sure there.. and answer it my self. Hope it's ok. php css regex pcre minify share improve this question Simple regex CSS minifier compressor.. to check that. Example implementation in PHP function minify_css str # remove comments first simplifies the other regex re1..

php source code whitespace


does whitespace make php scripts file sizes larger can we minify php scripts or is there no point in doing so because whitespaces..

How to disable or encrypt “View Source” for my site


engineer. If you want to protect your JavaScript you can minify it with for example YUI Compressor . It won't prevent the user..

Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code


Anybody any suggestions php code generation obfuscation minify share improve this question I agree with the comment what..

Is there a point to minifying PHP?


there a point to minifying PHP I know you can minify PHP but I'm wondering if there.. there a point to minifying PHP I know you can minify PHP but I'm wondering if there is any point. PHP is an interpreted.. speed improvement in page loads and such if I were to minify my PHP Also is there a way to compile PHP or something similar..

Multiple javascript/css files: best practices?


then when you get closer to switching to production run minify and join all the CSS and JS files into a single HTTP request...

Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter


expressions with CodeIgniter Google pages suggest you to minify HTML that is remove all the unnecessary spaces. CodeIgniter..

how to Minify JS / CSS on the fly / runtime


on the runtime fly. php javascript css optimization minify share improve this question Good blog post about it here..

How to minify php page html output?


to minify php page html output I am looking for a php script or class.. output I am looking for a php script or class that can minify my php page html output like google page speed does. How can.. like google page speed does. How can i do this php html minify share improve this question CSS and Javascript Consider..

Commenting interpreted code and performance


to the browser. For JavaScript it is recommended that you minify your code. This reduces its size by changing variable names..

Combining and Compressing multiple JavaScript files in php


Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js' You may easily join several js.. Output a minified version of example.js. echo JSMin minify file_get_contents 'example.js' . file_get_contents 'example2.js'..

Minify/compress CSS with regex?


compress CSS with regex In PHP can you compress minify CSS..

Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code


Obfuscate PHP Code I use haXe to generate php code. This means..

can any one help me in getting php class to min js and css codes


Optimizations to reduce website loading time


Make JavaScript and CSS External Reduce DNS Lookups Minify JavaScript and CSS Avoid Redirects Remove Duplicate Scripts..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


namespaces supported A HTML beautifier like HTML Tidy Minify CSS and Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct..



HTML PHP I'm using gzip to compress my html php files along.. the HTML output does almost nothing. Think about it Minifying is great for Javascript which uses many repeating variable..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


namespaces supported A HTML beautifier like HTML Tidy Minify CSS and Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


namespaces supported A HTML beautifier like HTML Tidy Minify CSS and Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct..

Multiple javascript/css files: best practices?


share improve this question I would suggest using PHP Minify which lets you create a single HTTP request for a group of JS.. a single HTTP request for a group of JS or CSS files. Minify also handles GZipping Compression and HTTP Headers for client.. Compression and HTTP Headers for client side caching. Edit Minify will also allow you to setup the request so that for different..

how to Minify JS / CSS on the fly / runtime


to Minify JS CSS on the fly runtime how to Minify JS CSS on the fly runtime... to Minify JS CSS on the fly runtime how to Minify JS CSS on the fly runtime. so that i can keep the original code..

How can I block direct access to my JavaScript files?


can I block direct access to my JavaScript files I use Minify to minify and cache all my script requests. I only want my users.. to access the minified versions of the JavaScript files. Minify lies at www.example.com min and my scripts are at www.example.com..

PHP auto minify. Is there any?


auto minify. Is there any I use PHP Minify and it's great. But my question is there any PHP plugin or something..

Best practices for optimizing LAMP sites for speed? [closed]


environment to make sure you have everything you need. Minify your Javascript. Be prepared to move static content such as..