

php Programming Glossary: migrate

What is the right way to maintain a “version for the server” - with only config files changed, in Git?


and after I'm done developing on the local site I need to migrate the files to the server. All the files in the config folder..

migration to Yii framework


the best frameworks out there. Is it possible to somehow migrate to Yii what I have already done If so how Which steps should..

How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions?


writing a single line of code. Looks good You managed to migrate from that obscure database class to PDO by removing outdated..

Migrating legacy users to symfony2


to symfony2 and I'm looking for the best way to migrate the user passwords. The goal is to let legacy users log in with..

Calling PHP Parent Constructors With Old/New Syntax


You you have to maintain some old PHP 4 code you can't migrate to PHP 5 you should then use the Foo syntax... As the sidenote..

What to use for XML parsing / reading in PHP4


looking for a solution that still works on PHP5 once they migrate. A nice extra would be if the XML can be validated with a schema...

PHP 5.4: disable warning “Creating default object from empty value”


Creating default object from empty value&rdquo I want to migrate code from PHP 5.2 to 5.4. This worked fine so far except that..

The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead


of PHP. Instead you should take this opportunity to migrate your application now before it's too late. Note also that this..

Why does Windows need to `utf8_decode` filenames for `file_get_contents` to work?


how to get this to work on both systems Please no just migrate to Linux for PHP development ”I've got Linux but ATM I'm using..

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension


requires the Mcrypt PHP extension I am trying to use the migrate function in Laravel 4 on OSX however I am getting the error..

Strategy for developing namespaced and non-namespaced versions of same PHP code


of using namespaces.. I do think you'll find that as you migrate to namespaces you will start to 'think a bit differently' about..

Saving images in database mysql


e.g. thumbnail images etc. in the coming release a plan to migrate images from db to file system is strongly suggested. share..

php classes… validation


Zend Framework and Wordpress Integration


and a wordpress blog at blog.ourdomain.com We want to migrate the blog into the site at ourdomain.com blog but I seemed to..

Should I use EAV model?


future say int to varchar it means that you will have to migrate all the records for that attribute to the corresponding table..

How to convert HTML to BBCode


board that saves rich text messages in HTML. Now I need to migrate all those messages into Joomla Kunena bulletin board that requires..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


Town . That PK the two columns together a compound key is migrated from Location to Bulletin anyway as an FK bold . We are additionally.. decide that some 6 column 30 byte key is too cumbersome to migrate to the children. I did state at the outset I would use UserId.. would use UserId as a typical Id Pk because it is carried migrated to several child tables. We can leave how that is created for..

ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL


via Magento's config structures. In the question How can I migrate configuration changes from development to production environment..

How do I migrate my site from mysql to mysqli?


do I migrate my site from mysql to mysqli Is there anything I have to do..

php:Store image into Mysql blob, Good or bad?


doing this. Pros All your data is kept in one place if you migrate your website database the images will just be there Its easier..