

php Programming Glossary: metric

PHP Form Security With Referer


a referer check. This vulnerability received a severity metric of 13.5 and according to the Department of Homeland Security..

How to convert imperial units of length into metric?


to convert imperial units of length into metric Here I am faced with an issue that I believe or at least hope.. at the end makes it completely safe. function imperial2metric number Get rid of whitespace on both ends of the string. number..

PHP unserialize error at offset, works on some servers, not others


s 8 dateType s 5 daily s 10 dateOption s 9 drilldown s 6 metric s 13 bookingAmount s 9 companyFK s 2 11 s 10 facilityFK s 0.. customDateStart s 4 null s 7 newDate s 10 2010 11 01 s 10 metricName s 10 Bookings 20 s 16 currentDateRange s 10 11 01 2010 s.. s 8 dateType s 5 daily s 10 dateOption s 9 drilldown s 6 metric s 13 bookingAmount s 9 companyFK s 2 11 s 10 facilityFK s 0..

What is the optimal MYSQL query number in php script?


Don't focus on the number of queries. This is not a useful metric. Instead you need to look at a few other things how many queries..

How to access the form's 'name' variable from PHP


a BMI calculator. This should allow people to use either metric or imperial measurements. I realise that I could use hidden.. bmi span li ul php else div id formSelector ul li a href #metric Metric a li li a href #imperial Imperial a li ul form name met.. a li li a href #imperial Imperial a li ul form name met id metric action php echo _SERVER 'PHP_SELF' method post enctype form..

Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit


project and while I realize getting 100 coverage isn't the metric one should strive to there is a strange bit in the code coverage.. this question First off 100 code coverage is a great metric to strive for. It's just not always achievable with a sane amount..

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP


of singular values then employ some appropriate distance metric to measure the similarity between your documents or words or..