

php Programming Glossary: milliseconds

How do I format an amount of milliseconds into minutes:seconds:milliseconds in PHP?


do I format an amount of milliseconds into minutes seconds milliseconds in PHP I have a total ammount.. do I format an amount of milliseconds into minutes seconds milliseconds in PHP I have a total ammount of milliseconds ie 70370 and.. seconds milliseconds in PHP I have a total ammount of milliseconds ie 70370 and I want to display it as minutes seconds milliseconds..

Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision?


field to store the values. But will doctrine add the milliseconds I think it just assigns NOW to the field. I am also worried..

calculate flv video file length ? using pure php


integer representing the tag's timestamp in the file in milliseconds plus a 8 bit integer extending the timestamp to 32 bits. So.. t0 fread flv 3 t1 fread flv 1 arr unpack 'N' t1 . t0 milliseconds_duration arr 1 The two last fseek can be factorized but I left..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


setTimeout waitForMsg Try again after.. 15000 milliseconds 15seconds document .ready function waitForMsg Start the inital..

How to get current time in milliseconds in PHP?


to get current time in milliseconds in PHP time is in seconds is there one in milliseconds php.. in milliseconds in PHP time is in seconds is there one in milliseconds php share improve this question The short answer is milliseconds..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


chat. The obvious way seems to be that every X seconds milliseconds the javascript pings the server and fetches a list of new messages..

How to get current time in ms in PHP?


utimestamp microtime true timestamp floor utimestamp milliseconds round utimestamp timestamp 1000000 return date preg_replace.. timestamp 1000000 return date preg_replace '` u`' milliseconds format timestamp echo udate 'Y m d H i s u' 2010 11 15 21 21..

How to get the execution time of a MySQL query from PHP? [duplicate]


PHP's microtime function which returns the current time as milliseconds. microtime returns the current Unix timestamp with microseconds...

Accessing dates in PHP beyond 2038


that due to the nature that PHP represents dates using milliseconds you cannot represent dates past 2038. I have a problem where.. and day. I do not care for the hour minute seconds and milliseconds. Am I correct in thinking that without including this additional..

Scheduling php scripts


date can be arranged tho usleep time 1000 earlier I said milliseconds 1000msec is 1s but this func is for microseconds 1s 1000000us..

php: convert milliseconds to date


convert milliseconds to date I Have a string that is equal to a date represented.. that is equal to a date represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. I am trying to output it into d m Y. The..

What's better to use in PHP $array[] = $value or array_push($array, $value)?


is cleaner to look at and honestly splitting hairs over milliseconds is pretty irrelevant unless you plan on appending hundreds of..

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts


execution times of php scripts I want to know how many milliseconds a PHP loop take to execute itself I know the structure of a.. it on php Begin init1 timer where timer is the amount of milliseconds from midnight the loop begin some code the loop end total timer..