

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inputimage

How to programmatically change the hue of UIImage?


CIFilter hueAdjust CIFilter filterWithName @ CIHueAdjust hueAdjust setDefaults hueAdjust setValue sourceCore forKey @ inputImage hueAdjust setValue NSNumber numberWithFloat deltaHueRadians forKey @ inputAngle CIImage resultCore hueAdjust valueForKey..

Draw another image on a UIImage


another image with the small filled triangle. Or you could draw inside of the first image CGFloat width height UIImage inputImage input image to be composited over new image as example create a new bitmap image context at the device resolution retina.. context drawing code comes here look at CGContext reference for available operations this example draws the inputImage into the context inputImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 width height pop context UIGraphicsPopContext get a UIImage from.. comes here look at CGContext reference for available operations this example draws the inputImage into the context inputImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 width height pop context UIGraphicsPopContext get a UIImage from the image context enjoy UIImage..

How can you apply distortions to a UIImage using OpenGL ES?


filters to UIImages. If you have just one filter you'd like to use you can do something like the following UIImage inputImage UIImage imageNamed @ test.jpg GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter stillImageFilter GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter alloc init UIImage.. GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter alloc init UIImage quickFilteredImage stillImageFilter imageByFilteringImage inputImage This will create a UIImage from disk use OpenGL ES to filter it and return a filtered UIImage for you to work with. You..

Converting a UIImage black'n white and not grayscale for using tesseract


and code like the following GPUImagePicture stillImageSource GPUImagePicture alloc initWithImage inputImage GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter stillImageFilter GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter alloc init stillImageFilter.threshold..