

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:26

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithtext

How do you provide labels for the axis of a Core Plot chart?


xAxisLabels count for NSNumber tickLocation in customTickLocations CPAxisLabel newLabel CPAxisLabel alloc initWithText xAxisLabels objectAtIndex labelLocation textStyle x.labelTextStyle newLabel.tickLocation tickLocation decimalValue newLabel.offset..

iphone, using an array to define in core-plot range


xAxisLabels count for NSNumber tickLocation in customTickLocations CPAxisLabel newLabel CPAxisLabel alloc initWithText xAxisLabels objectAtIndex labelLocation textStyle axisSet.xAxis.labelTextStyle newLabel.tickLocation tickLocation decimalValue..

Capturing UITextView data in an NSString


accomplish something very simple yet getting an error and it's driving me nuts. here is what I am doing Function 1 id initWithText NSString text1 NSString text2 NSString text3 NSString text4 NSString text5 here I do the assignment. I have not initialized.. This function gets called in a different viewController using the statement Function1 Call self.summaryViewController initWithText self.dateDisplay.text self.projectNameDisplay.text self.taskDisplay.text self.durationDisplay.text commentText.text where..

How to print in iOS 4.2?


self.documentName pic.printInfo printInfo UISimpleTextPrintFormatter textFormatter UISimpleTextPrintFormatter alloc initWithText yourNSStringWithContextOfTextFileHere textFormatter.startPage 0 textFormatter.contentInsets UIEdgeInsetsMake 72.0 72.0 72.0..

Objective-C code for AirPrint


self.titleLabel.text pic.printInfo printInfo UISimpleTextPrintFormatter textFormatter UISimpleTextPrintFormatter alloc initWithText printBody textFormatter.startPage 0 textFormatter.contentInsets UIEdgeInsetsMake 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 1 inch margins textFormatter.maximumContentWidth..