

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: insecure

Secure communication between iOS client, Facebook API and server


iOS SDK and then communicate the resulting data like all kind of Facebook ids to your Server. This approach is totally insecure without some sort of encryption you could send some cryptographic hash function to your server and validate it with a key..

Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution


As this particular deployment is for managing an in house back end system deploying it through the AppStore can seem insecure because there is proprietary information embedded in the app in particular the information that allows it to connect to..

Circumvent screenshot for iOS 4


is switched away from to change the launch image so that the next time the app is entered it will not display some insecure data. iOS 4 provides applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillResignActive ...however neither of these seem to be..

How to implement NTLM Authentication for UIWebView?


been able to use this method of including the username and password in the HTTP request string but that is so grossly insecure as to defy reason for using it. Using a sniffer I am able to see the three way handshake occur without any problems on both..

How safe is information contained within iPhone app compiled code?


easy to extract class information using class dump x check here . Just some food for thought. Edit one easy albeit insecure way of keeping your secret information hidden is obfuscating it or cutting it up into small pieces. The following code NSString..

Storing passwords in iPhone applications


is for. I would not under any circumstances simply store passwords in the defaults as dbr suggests. This is highly insecure. You're essentially storing your passwords in the open. In addition to Apple's sample code I also recommend Buzz Anderson's..

Issue With Code: Format string is not a string literal [duplicate]


I am getting the following issue for this line of code. Format string is not a string literal potentially insecure NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ @ entered Any suggestions iphone objective c share improve this question The compiler..

How to protect app IPA from hacks if reverse engineering is possible


If the knowledge of that URL alone poses a security threat then your whole approach and your clients API is inherently insecure. Remember that such information could possibly be captured by a man in the middle attack and other modes of attack as well...

Alternative to global variables in app delegate


app delegate. I am doing it this way because the arrow position is updated and used by several classes. However I am insecure whether this is a good or a bad design decision. My thoughts are that since it is a non critical piece of information just.. used by several classes. in many cases you can reduce the scope. this reduces inter component dependency. However I am insecure whether this is a good or a bad design decision. My thoughts are that since it is a non critical piece of information just..