

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithutf8string

how to connect with sqlite in iphone?


0 @ error prepearing statement sqlite3_errmsg db else while sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW dt NSString alloc initWithUTF8String char sqlite3_column_text statement 2 dt NSString stringWithFormat @ s char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 dt NSString..

How to convert an NSString to hex values


ENCODING_UTF8 new String decodedHexString ENCODING_UTF8 Objective C equivalents would be utf8 s UTF8String NSString initWithUTF8String decodedHexString To make an NSString with the hexadecimal representation of a character string NSMutableString hex NSMutableString..

warning: Attempting to create USE_BLOCK_IN_FRAME variable with block that isn't in the frame


context self managedObjectContext for NSString line in lines NSLog line NSString string NSString alloc initWithUTF8String line NSArray parts string componentsSeparatedByString @ t value mapping NSString name parts objectAtIndex 0 NSString street_1.. share improve this question This line is wrong and should produce a compiler warning NSString string NSString alloc initWithUTF8String line The method initWithUTF8String expects an UTF 8 encoded C string and not a NSString object. Before you continue you.. line is wrong and should produce a compiler warning NSString string NSString alloc initWithUTF8String line The method initWithUTF8String expects an UTF 8 encoded C string and not a NSString object. Before you continue you should fix all compiler warnings And..

Populate the table view sections with rows of table in sqlite database in an order


query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK if sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW NSString ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease NSString nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char.. alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease NSString nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease NSString eventField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char.. alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease NSString eventField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 2 autorelease NSString dateField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char..

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


self.remindersDB query_stmt 1 statement NULL SQLITE_OK if sqlite3_step statement SQLITE_ROW ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text.. ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease eventField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text.. NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease eventField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 2 autorelease dateField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text..

Retrieve month part from date saved in sqlite database table for displaying month wise data


format in to just month followed by date i.e. ReminderClass remin ReminderClass alloc init remin.Date NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statament 3 autorelease NSDateFormatter dateFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease..

Loop through all object properties at runtime


for NSUInteger i 0 i numberOfProperties i objc_property_t property propertyArray i NSString name NSString alloc initWithUTF8String property_getName property NSString attributesString NSString alloc initWithUTF8String property_getAttributes property .. i NSString name NSString alloc initWithUTF8String property_getName property NSString attributesString NSString alloc initWithUTF8String property_getAttributes property NSLog @ Property @ attributes @ name attributesString free propertyArray Output Property..