

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:28

iphone Programming Glossary: inserted

Programmatically send to front/back elements created from interface builder


aboveSubview insertSubview belowSubview exchangeSubviewAtIndex withSubviewAtIndex Since your views are already inserted into your superview you could easily call bringSubviewToFront once for each view in whatever order you like. share improve..

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


2 must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update 1 plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section 0 inserted 0 deleted . Now quickly before you write the obvious answer I assure you I have.. contained in that section before the update 1 plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section 0 inserted 0 deleted . Now quickly before you write the obvious answer I assure you I have indeed added and deleted the rows and sections..

Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs


You should be able to ask for permanent IDs though but you should only ask for them on the objects that have been inserted. moc obtainPermanentIDsForObjects moc.insertedObjects.allObjects error 0 You must do this before saving the MOC though because.. though but you should only ask for them on the objects that have been inserted. moc obtainPermanentIDsForObjects moc.insertedObjects.allObjects error 0 You must do this before saving the MOC though because if you save without obtaining permanent.. error handling of course ... backgroundMoc performBlock ^ backgroundMoc obtainPermanentIDsForObjects backgroundMoc.insertedObjects.allObjects error 0 backgroundMoc save 0 mainMoc performBlock ^ mainMoc save 0 masterMoc performBlock ^ masterMoc..

Insert string at cursor position of UITextField


share improve this question I've finally found a solution for this problem You can put the text you need inserted into the system pasteboard and then paste it at the current cursor position myTextField paste self I found the solution..

how do I detect whether I have iPhone 2G,3G,3GS


my current device name. How do I detect it through iPhone SDK Also how do I detect if the iPhone doesn't have a SIM inserted objective c iphone device name share improve this question Whether you are on an iPhone or a iPod Touch UIDevice device..

Realtime formatting with NSNumberFormatter in a UITextfield


how to append the entered numbers to existing ones in the textfield This delegate is called everytime a character is inserted in an UITextfield. BOOL textField UITextField textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange NSRange range replacementString NSString..

How to Deal with Temporary NSManagedObject instances?


Will it work OK in this setup If I insert one object from the graph of objects does the whole graph also get inserted into context objective c iphone core data share improve this question The easiest way to do this is to create your..

NSString in UIWebview


an NSString and a webView in my project Objective C for iPhone I have called index.html in webView and inside it I inserted my script javascript . How can I pass the NSString as a var in my script and viceversa This is an example but I don't understand..

How should I store UIImages within my Core Data database?


within my Core Data database I am developing an application which demands around 100 images or maybe more to be pre inserted into the Core Data database along with other related information. Now I can easily add other data by just writing a few..

Get PDF hyperlinks on iOS with Quartz


anyone got this working possibly with sample code Update I just realized the guy who has done my testing PDF had just inserted an URL as text and not a real annotation. He tried putting an annotation and my code works now... But that's not what I..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


tried saving the current position of the underlying UIScrollview and resetting the position after the rows have been inserted but this results in a judder up and down although it does end up back in the same place. Is there a good way of achieving..

Where can I find a good example of a Core Data to-many relationship?


the same value in their name attribute. You must obtain a reference to any particular Parent object. If you have just inserted a new Parent object then you already have a reference to it. If it is already been inserted persisted then you create a.. object. If you have just inserted a new Parent object then you already have a reference to it. If it is already been inserted persisted then you create a fetch with a predicate that will return the proper object. Once you have the correct Parent..

How to resize UITextView on iOS when a keyboard appears?


to resize UITextView on iOS when a keyboard appears There's UITextView inserted into tab in UITabBarController on the iPhone . Fill UITextView with a lot of lines. Show a keyboard to edit text. What's..

Where would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app?


would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app When I initially create an SQLite database file with pre inserted datasets for my application I would have to place this file somewhere in my Xcode project so that it goes to my iPhone application...

How to insert utf-8 mb4 character(emoji in ios5) in mysql?


utf8mb4_general_ci I changed utf8mb4 from utf8 for iOS5's emoji. They are represented by 4byte code. But when I inserted 3 smiley emojis ' ' is in mysql. They are 3F 3F 3F Hex . I can store iOS4's emojis well but not iOS5's. How could I store..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


moc below are a few logs you can run to see what is being done and when NSLog @ insert @ note userInfo valueForKey @ inserted NSLog @ delete @ note userInfo valueForKey @ deleted NSLog @ update @ note userInfo valueForKey @ updated moc mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification..

Coordinates all wrong on iPhone 3G? It could be your compiler


update a user sent me this panicky email the latest update has modified the curves ... not seen more growth curves and inserted data are represented as a line descending ... before you could see perfectly well Help me I get him to send a screenshot..

Populate the table view sections with rows of table in sqlite database in an order


cell addSubview label1 cell addSubview label2 cell addSubview label3 cell addSubview label4 return cell I have inserted 4 reminders the 4 cells are appearing but the problem is with displaying It is appearing as following How can I get the.. all in advance Sorry all...I found out the complete solution to the issue in the following link Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections Sorry for the question...Thanks..