

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithviewcontroller

iPhone: Error when using the FPPopover class when using it with a UIBarButtonItem


as popover TestClass controller TestClass alloc init our popover FPPopoverController popover FPPopoverController alloc initWithViewController controller the popover will be presented from the okButton view popover presentPopoverFromView sender release controller..

why wont my UILabel display a NSInteger


protocol and then adopt that protocol in your ViewController class. You'd do this rather than just using initWithViewController ViewController because its good style to prevent GameController from depending on the particular class of the object that's..

Zbar SDK and ios7/xcode 5 - App is reaching 100% cpu use and memory more than 100MB


to 1 you can use this to support the simulator if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR cameraSim ZBarCameraSimulator alloc initWithViewController self cameraSim.readerView readerView create ZBarReaderViewController readerqr as a property of your viewcontroller. to use..

Correct way of showing consecutive modalViews


UINavigationController UIViewController _originalParentViewController @property BOOL dismissButtonHidden id initWithViewController UIViewController vc id initWithClass Class c id initWithClass Class c nibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil.. @end And the class implementation @implementation TSModalViewController @synthesize dismissButtonHidden id initWithViewController UIViewController vc return super initWithRootViewController vc id initWithClass Class c UIViewController vc c alloc init.. super initWithRootViewController vc id initWithClass Class c UIViewController vc c alloc init autorelease return self initWithViewController vc id initWithClass Class c nibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil UIViewController vc c alloc initWithNibName..

Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


bounds MyViewController vc MyViewContoller alloc init... self.transitionController TransitionController alloc initWithViewController vc self.window.rootViewController self.transitionController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES To transition to a..