

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: insane

Build and Run an xcode project via AppleScript


then echo Couldn't find an xcode project file in directory exit 1 fi # Applescript likes's instead of because it's insane BUILD_FILE BUILD_FILE # Find the latest Simulator SDK SIMULATOR_SDKS Developer Platforms iPhoneSimulator.platform Developer..

Is it possible to program iPhone in C++


it possible to program iPhone in C I'm all for language diversity but Objective C is insane. So I'm curious is it possible to code iPhone apps with C while using the Cocoa API etc c iphone objective c share improve..

copyplist failed with exit code 71


the correct place for my ruby install sudo ln s opt local bin ruby usr bin ruby Hope this helps someone as it drove me insane Also may not be your ruby install this file just loads the core libraries so just run the file if it exists to track it..

PDF search on the iPhone


the resulting rect based on those values but I've been reading the spec for hours... it's a bloated mess and I'm going insane. Anyone with a practical explanation Update User Naveen Thunga found PDFKitten a framework for extracting data from PDFs..

Why is the MKMapView's userLocation property rubbish … for a while?


user location. In my app in viewDidAppear I query self.mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate and it comes back with insane values such as latitude 4.8194501961644877e 49 longitude 2.2993313035571993e 59 However the next time viewDidAppear is called..

iphone / Objective C - Comparing doubles not working


Objective C Comparing doubles not working I think I'm going insane. counter and interval are both doubles. This is happening on accelerometer didAccelerate at an interval of .01 . counter..

Iphone:Help in understanding Crash reports


iOS Low Memory Crash, but very low memory usage


changed autoreleased stuff to alloc release. But I cannot work out why this is happening and it's driving me insane. Thanks for any help iphone objective c ios ipad memory management share improve this question You are almost certainly..

How to read data structure from .plist file into NSArray


contentArray NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile fooPath NSLog @ @ contentArray This is finally driving me completely insane. Help please Thank you kindly iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this question NSString plistPath NSBundle..