

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inputview

Customizing the iPhone keyboard


to create a UIView subclass. Arrange for an instance of your keyboard view to be returned by any UIResponder's inputView property. For UITextView and UITextField this is as simple as assigning the property for other classes you will probably..

Disable Dictation button on the keyboard of iPhone 4S / new iPad


help me iphone objective c ios ipad share improve this question you can create your own keyboard and set the inputView for the text fields that will accept this dictation. then when they press any keys they will get your keyboard therefore.. dont have to override the keys on the standard keyboard you will be able to customize the entire thing. self.myButton.inputView self.customKeyboardView here is an example of an extremely custom keyboard http blog.carbonfive.com 2012 03 12 customizing..

iPad custom Keyboard GUI


or do I need to create a view for same Thanks Jayesh iphone ipad keyboard share improve this question You use the inputView property of a UITextField or UITextView. Simply assign it a custom view of your own. Then when the receiver becomes the..

How to show button ?˜Done??on number pad on iPhone OS 4? [duplicate]


584538 and Luzian Scherrer's excellent blog post but that stopped working in iOS 4. I can do it by creating a custom inputView but I'd prefer to extend Apple's keyboard instead of writing my own. Is there a new way to add a view to the standard keyboard.. instead of writing my own. Is there a new way to add a view to the standard keyboard Has someone published an OSS inputView for this Is there another way iphone uitextview uikeyboard ios4 share improve this question You can add inputAccessoryView..

Return Inputs to UITextfield with custom inputView


Inputs to UITextfield with custom inputView i created a UITextField and a custom View. after that i added this custom view as inputView to my UITextField. amountKeyboardViewController.. UITextfield with custom inputView i created a UITextField and a custom View. after that i added this custom view as inputView to my UITextField. amountKeyboardViewController amountKeyboard amountKeyboardViewController alloc initWithNibName @ amountKeyboardViewController.. amountKeyboardViewController alloc initWithNibName @ amountKeyboardViewController bundle nil amountTextField.inputView amountKeyboard.view amountTextField becomeFirstResponder this works quite fine. but can i fill my amountTextField with the..

UITextView inputView


inputView I'm making a custom input method for the iPad I want to be able to replace the system keyboard with my input method and.. my input method and enter text via that input method. According to the documentation all I need to do is to set the inputView property with my view and it will be used instead of the system keyboard. I did that and it works as far as showing the.. is the method that actually does the writing to the UITextView this method is part of a custom protocol defined by the inputView and is called on the delegate whenever a button is pressed hope it helps note i submit ret when the return key is pushed..

How to create a custom keyboard


if your application is using UITextView and UITextField objects for text editing simply assign custom views to the inputView and inputAccessoryView properties. Those custom views are shown when the text object becomes first responder... This might..

Disable UITextField keyboard?


appreciated. iphone cocoa touch uitextfield iphone softkeyboard share improve this question The UITextField's inputView property is nil by default which means the standard keyboard gets displayed. If you assign it a custom input view or just.. but the blinking cursor will still appear UIView dummyView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 1 1 myTextField.inputView dummyView Hide keyboard but show blinking cursor If you want to hide both the keyboard and the blinking cursor then use..

UIView addsubview after orientation change: Tell view to resize


like this NSArray nibObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ InputView owner self options nil InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView This view has autoresizing masks set up properly and.. @ InputView owner self options nil InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView This view has autoresizing masks set up properly and rotates fine when the orientation changes from Portrait to landscape... reply EDIT Using the suggestions of occulus and Inder Kumar Rathore thanks guys I altered the code to this InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView self.view setNeedsLayout self.view layoutSubviews self.view..

XCode: Displaying a UIDatePicker when user clicks on UITextbox


I try to add code to the textboxDidBeginEditing method that should unhide it. I've made sure to set the UITextView's inputView property equal to my UIDatePicker control. Nothing works I don't understand why Apple didn't just make the UIDatePicker.. self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil if self Custom initialization self.dueDate.inputView datePicker return self IBAction dueDateDidBeginEditing UITextView textField textField resignFirstResponder datePicker setFrame.. Arghhhh iphone ios xcode uitextview uidatepicker share improve this question Showing a UIDatePicker for the inputView of a UITextField is relatively hard compared to showing a keyboard but relatively easy compared to the trouble you've had...

UIView addsubview after orientation change: Tell view to resize


view is added programmatically to the viewcontroller like this NSArray nibObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ InputView owner self options nil InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView This view.. to the viewcontroller like this NSArray nibObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ InputView owner self options nil InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView This view has autoresizing masks set up properly.. like this NSArray nibObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ InputView owner self options nil InputView inputView InputView nibObjects objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview inputView This view has autoresizing masks set up properly and rotates fine..