

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:28

iphone Programming Glossary: insertintomanagedobjectcontext

Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs


entity insertWithPermanentIDIntoManagedObjectContext NSManagedObjectContext context if self self initWithEntity entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext context NSError error nil if context obtainPermanentIDsForObjects @ self error error @throw NSException exceptionWithName.. NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity count for NSUInteger i 0 i count i array addObject self alloc initWithEntity entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext context NSError error nil if context obtainPermanentIDsForObjects array error error @throw NSException exceptionWithName..

Cocoa-Touch, NSManagedObject: Exception when setting a property


or via an other convenience initializer. In the case of NSManagedObject this is NSManagedObject initWithEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext . Failure to cause the designated initializer leads to undefined and likely incorrect behavior because the instance is not..

Core Data cannot resolve faults when object has “description” attribute?


”if this method fires a fault during a debugging operation the results may be unpredictable ”and initWithEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext . You should typically not override the key value coding methods such as valueForKey and setValue forKeyPath . description..

How to Deal with Temporary NSManagedObject instances?


@ MyEntity inManagedObjectContext myMOC NSManagedObject unassociatedObject NSManagedObject alloc initWithEntity entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext nil Then when you want to save it myMOC insertObject unassociatedObject NSError error nil myMoc save error Check the error..

Create a Core Date Entity Instance But not want it to be stored(non-persistent)
